Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (2024)

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons
Brackenhide Hollow is one of the new dungeons in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (1)All Bark, All BiteDefeat Treemouth after every player has been consumed at least once in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic difficulty.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (2)Brackenhide HollowDefeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (3)GrowlbossifyDefeat Hackclaw's War-Band after freeing Chief Softpaw, equipping her with a spear and shield, and making sure she survives in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic difficulty.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (4)Heroic: Brackenhide HollowDefeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow on Heroic difficulty or higher.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (5)Keystone Hero: Brackenhide HollowComplete Brackenhide Hollow at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (6)Mythic: Brackenhide HollowDefeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (7)So You Can Kill This in a Way That Matters...Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye after finding and planting three Resilient Mushrooms, then destroying them with Decaystrike in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic difficulty.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (8)Subscribed to Hyena FactsLearn five hyena facts from Gwybod in a single visit to Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic Difficulty.
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (9)The Vegetarian DietFree every Captive Tuskarr in a Meat Storage in a single visit to Brackenhide Hollow.

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

Brackenhide Hollow
Brackenhide Hollow is the largest gnoll settlement in the Dragon Isles, and home to unspeakable danger. Decay seeps from the Hollow, spreading among the gnoll tribes of the Azure Span and threatening to rot away all life. In the heart of the Hollow lies the leader of the Brackenhide, and the knowledge she gleefully shares with her withered kin.

Hackclaw's War-Band
Rira Hackclaw and her compatriots, Gashtooth and Tricktotem, have risen up as a deadly war-band among the Brackenhide. Their tactics are the reason tuskarr never travel alone, and their strength is the reason Wratheye has them guarding the gate to the Hollow.

  • Overview - All three gnolls of the war-band assault players together. When any member of the war-band reaches 15% remaining health, Tricktotem will cast Bloodfrenzy.

    Upon reaching 100 energy, Rira Hackclaw will call for a combined attack with Gashtooth and Tricktotem. The war-band performs Hextrick Totem, Decayed Senses, and Savage Charge in a ferocious sequence.

    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (10) Damage Dealers -
      • Tricktotem will attempt to heal her allies with Greater Healing Rapids
      • Hextrick Totem will incapacitate a player for as long as it survives.
      • Tricktotem will cast Bloodfrenzy when any member of the war-band drops below 15% remaining health.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (11) Healers -
      • Players who are Marked for Butchery will take intense damage.
      • Gash Frenzy continues to cause the target to bleed until they are healed above 90% health.
      • Decayed Senses causes the target to take massively increased Physical Damage.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (12) Tanks -
      • Rira will inflict intense physical damage to the first person in her path when she uses Savage Charge
      • Tricktotem will attempt to heal her allies with Greater Healing Rapids
      • Tricktotem will cast Bloodfrenzy when any member of the War-Band drops below 15% health.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (13) Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (14) Prey on the Weak - The War-Band senses weakness in its prey, gaining a stack of Predatory Instincts for every 10% total health missing from players.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (16) Rira Hackclaw -
    • Savage Charge - Rira lines up a powerful charge with a player. After 14 sec., she charges towards them and collides with the first player in her path, inflicting 120 Physical damage to that target.
    • Bladestorm - Rira spins in a furious tornado of steel towards random players several times in a row at 70% reduced speed for 4 sec, inflicting 20 Physical damage to all players within 8 yards every 5 sec. while spinning.
    • Cleave - Rira's melee attacks strike all players in front of her within 8 yards.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (17) Gashtooth -
    • Decayed Senses - Gashtooth flings an alchemical bag of decay at the target, inflicting 10 Nature damage, and blinding them.
      Additionally, increases Physical damage taken by 150% for 15 sec.
    • Gash Frenzy - Gashtooth rapidly shadowsteps between players five times, inflicting 20 Physical damage. Players struck bleed for 8 Physical damage every 1.5 sec. for 45 sec. This effect stacks.
      This effect is removed if the player is healed over 90% health.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (18) Marked for Butchery - Gashtooth focuses on relentlessly butchering a player, inflicting 5 Physical damage every 0.5 sec. for 4 sec.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (19) Tricktotem -
    • Hextrick Totem - Tricktotem summons a totem that channels a Hextrick on a player, incapacitating them for 15 sec.
      • Hextrick - The totem reduces a player to a helpless forest creature, incapacitating them for up to 15 sec while channeling.
    • Greater Healing Rapids - Tricktotem heals a friendly target for 60, and additionally 6 every 1.5 sec. for 15 sec.
    • Bloodfrenzy - When an ally's remaining health drops below 15%, Tricktotem increases the haste and damage done of all her fellow gnolls by 30% until the end of the encounter.
    • Earth Bolt - Tricktotem propels a mass of earth at her current target, inflicting 10 Nature damage.

Withered by decay, this once proud ancient has been dubbed Treemouth by the gnolls. As the rot settled into its branches, so too did it settle in the poor creature's mind, leaving a creature bent on nothing more than the need to feed and spread decay.

  • Overview - Treemouth assaults players and periodically expels Decaying Slimes, which Burst when defeated.

    Upon reaching 100 energy, Treemouth pulls players closer using Grasping Vines and begins to Consume the nearest player.

    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (20) Damage Dealers -
      • Treemouth continues to Consume its target until its absorb is broken.
      • Decaying Slimes Burst, leaving behind pools of decay.
      • Grasping Vines pulls in all players and Treemouth uses Consume on the nearest one.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (21) Healers -
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (22) Tanks -
      • Vine Whip inflicts heavy damage to players in front of Treemouth and knocks back all targets struck.
      • When Decaying Slimes are killed,they Burst into pools of decay.
      • Grasping Vines pulls in all players and Treemouth uses Consume on the nearest one.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (23) Grasping Vines - Treemouth lashes out and grabs players with its decaying vines, dragging them towards it for 4 sec. After dragging players closer, Treemouth begins to Consume the nearest player.
    • Consume - Treemouth devours the nearest player, inflicting 11 Nature damage every 1.5 sec for 10 sec.
      While Consuming, Treemouth absorbs the next 75 damage. If broken, Treemouth spits the consumed player out.
      • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (24) Partially Digested - Treemouth's digestive fluids remain on the eaten player, increasing the damage they would take from Consume by 200% for 60 sec.
    • Consuming - Treemouth devours the nearest player, absorbing all damage. After 10 sec or 75 damage taken, Treemouth spits out the consumed player.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (25) Starving Frenzy - Angered by the missed meal, Treemouth enrages. Damage done is increased by 150% and haste is increased by 20% for 3 min.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (26) Decay Spray - Treemouth retches out in a cone in front of it, inflicting 25 Nature damage to all players struck and summoning 4 Decaying Slimes.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (27) Decaying Slime -
      • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (28) Burst - When defeated, the Decaying Slime bursts, inflicting 20 Nature damage to players within 5 yards of the impact and leaving behind a pool of decay for 30 sec.
        • Withering Away! - Players standing in the decay pool begin to wither away, suffering 8 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. In addition, movement speed is reduced by 30%.
      • Gushing Ooze - Decaying Slime splashes, inflicting 5 Nature damage to all players within 5 yards.
  • Infectious Spit - Treemouth spits at random players, covering all hit players with infected spit. This effect inflicts 9 Nature damage every 1.5 sec and reduces movement speed by 10% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Vine Whip - Treemouth vine whips in front of itself, inflicting 40 Physical damage and knocking back all targets struck.

This sharpshooting gnoll has mastered the art of hunting, trapping, and killing her prey. Impressed by her abilities and cunning, the Decatriarch has assigned Gutshot to oversee and train the other hunters... and take out any interlopers that might venture too far into Brackenhide.

  • Overview - Gutshot taps into her hunter instincts, using Gut Shot and Ensnaring Trap to keep players at bay. Gutshot will cast Meat Toss at players, sending her vicious hyenas into a Feeding Frenzy.

    Upon reaching 100 energy, Gutshot will Call Hyenas to aid her in battle.

    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (29) Damage Dealers -
      • Rotfang Hyenas brought forth from Call Hyenas can quickly overwhelm the party.
      • Ensnaring Trap entangles all nearby playeers and hyenas when any creature sets it off.
      • Meat Toss causes all hyenas to fixate on the target.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (30) Healers -
      • Meat Toss causes all hyenas to fixate on the target.
      • Feeding Frenzy cause Rotfang Hyenas to gain an additional 100% to damage done.
      • Ensnaring Trap entangles all nearby playeers and hyenas when any creature sets it off.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (31) Tanks -
      • Gutshot aims her crossbow and fires a massive Gut Shot, inflicting heavy Physical damage and knocking the target back.
      • Ensnaring Trap entangles all nearby playeers and hyenas when any creature sets it off.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (32) Call Hyenas - Gushot calls out for help, signaling 2 Rotfang Hyenas to aid her in battle.
    • Rotfang Hyena -
      • Bounding Leap - The Rotfang Hyena leaps to a random target, inflicting 20 Physical damage and stunning all players within 3 yards for 4 sec.
      • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (33) Crippling Bite - The hyena bites the target, inflicting 10 Physical damage.
        In addition,10 Physical damage is inflicted every 1.5 sec, healing taken is reduced by 50% and movement speed is decreased by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Huntleader's Tactics - Gutshot increases damage done of allies within 15 yards by 15%, and reduces their cooldowns by 25%.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (34) Ensnaring Trap - Gutshot launches a trap towards random players. When triggered, the trap entangles all creatures and players within 5 yards and inflicts 6 Physical damage every 2 sec for 6 sec.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (35) Meat Toss - Gutshot throws a chunk of bloody meat at a random target, causing them to Smell Like Meat.
    • Smell Like Meat - The smell of fresh meat lingers, attracting a Rotfang Hyena's interest for 10 sec.
    • Feeding Frenzy - The Rotfang Hyena begins to chase the target that Smell Like Meat, enraging itself for 10 sec. While enraged, all damage done is increased by 100%.
  • Master's Call - Gutshot calls to her Rotfang Hyenas, freeing them from the Ensnaring Trap. The hyenas gain immunity to all such effects and movement speed is increased by 15% for 5 sec.
  • Gut Shot - Gutshot aims her crossbow and fires a powerful shot, inflicting 60 Physical damage and knocking the player back.

Decatriarch Wratheye
Wratheye discovered decay magic in her thirst for power, and declared herself the Decatriarch after mastering it. She now builds the strength of the Brackenhide by spreading her dark magic among her tribe so the tuskarr, and all of the Azure Span, will rot in its wake.

  • Overview - Wratheye assaults players with Withering Rot over the course of the fight. Upon reaching 100 energy, Wratheye will cast Decaying Strength, gaining more power based on the amount of Withering Rot she absorbs.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (39) Decaying Strength - Wratheye evokes a deadly ritual, converting players' applications of Withering Rot saps the player's strength, inflicting 2 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. and reducing damage done by 5% for 8 sec.
    This effect stacks. into Decaying Strength for herself, increasing damage done by 5%. This effect stacks.
    Additionally creates a Withered Eruption at each player's location.
    • Withered Eruption - The player erupts for 20 damage to all nearby players, the size of the effect is increased by the applications of Withering Rot on the player.
  • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (40) Rotburst Totem - Wratheye summons a Rotburst Totem at a location, inflicting 40 Nature damage to any players at the location when it lands.
    The totem repeatedly casts Rotting Burst.
    • Rotting Burst - Inflicts 10 Nature damage to all players and applies Withering Rot.
      • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (41) Withering Rot - Withering Rot saps the player's strength, inflicting 2 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. and reducing damage done by 5% for 8 sec.
        This effect stacks.
      • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (42) Withering Rot - Withering Rot saps the player's strength, inflicting 2 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. and reducing damage done by 5% for 8 sec.
        This effect stacks.
  • Choking Rotcloud - Wratheye breathes out a cloud of decay, inflicting 40 Nature to players in front of her. The rot coalesces into a drifting cloud, inflicting 11 Nature damage every 2 sec. silencing players and applying Withering Rot to players within.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (43) Withering Rot - Withering Rot saps the player's strength, inflicting 2 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. and reducing damage done by 5% for 8 sec.
      This effect stacks.
    • Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (44) Withering Rot - Withering Rot saps the player's strength, inflicting 2 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. and reducing damage done by 5% for 8 sec.
      This effect stacks.
  • Decaystrike - Wratheye infuses her claws with decay and strikes her target twice, inflicting 25 Physical damage and absorbing 30 healing taken with each hit.

Brackenhide Hollow Loot List
Brackenhide Hollow drops item level 250-346 (Normal), 359 (Heroic), and 372 (Mythic) loot.

LevelTypeSlotNameModel Viewer
250NeckNeckBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (45)Tuskarr Bone Necklace
250FingerFingerBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (46)Bloodied Wedding Ring
250TrinketTrinketBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (47)Treemouth's Festering Splinter
250TrinketTrinketBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (48)Idol of Pure Decay
250TrinketTrinketBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (49)Frenzying Signoll Flare
250ClothHeadBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (50)Mask of Imperishable Leaves

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (51)Modelviewer

250ClothShouldersBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (52)Boastful Stalker's Epaulets

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (53)Modelviewer

250ClothFeetBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (54)Ravenous Pursuer's Footwraps

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (55)Modelviewer

250LeatherFeetBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (56)Ancient Rotwalkers

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (57)Modelviewer

250LeatherWristsBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (58)Ferocious Hyena Hidebinders

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (59)Modelviewer

250LeatherHandsBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (60)Blightweaver's Clutches

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (61)Modelviewer

250MailShouldersBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (62)Rooted Shoulders of Putrefaction

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (63)Modelviewer

250MailWaistBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (64)Swollen Bark Clasp

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (65)Modelviewer

250MailLegsBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (66)Tassets of Densified Ooze

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (67)Modelviewer

250PlateHeadBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (68)Decay Mother's Wrathful Gaze

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (69)Modelviewer

250PlateWaistBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (70)Trapmaster's Utility Belt

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (71)Modelviewer

250PlateWristsBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (72)Binders of the Moldering

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (73)Modelviewer

250One-handed MaceOne HandBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (74)Decatriarch's Bone Pestle

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (75)Modelviewer

250Two-handed MaceTwo HandBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (76)Bough of Deterioration

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (77)Modelviewer

250Two-handed MaceTwo HandBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (78)Ancestral Stoneshaper

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (79)Modelviewer

250PolearmTwo HandBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (80)Poached Kalu'ak Spear

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (81)Modelviewer

250DaggerOne HandBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (82)Rot-Carved Totemic Shank

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (83)Modelviewer

250CrossbowRangedBrackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (84)Gutshot's Trophy Hunter

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (85)Modelviewer

Published on 2022-11-28 05:16 PM

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide - Dragonflight Dungeons (2024)


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