The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

I 1 5 1 I 1 4 THE BOSTON GLOBE MONDAY, MAY 11. 1903. SHOT BY SHERIFF. Little Hope Entertained for Frank Favrean, Shooting the Resu't of Attempled Eviction at Easton, Conn. Three Brothers Alleged to Have Threatened Selectman Candee.

BRIDGEPORT, Conn, May 10-Hovering between life and death, Frank Favrean, young farmer of Easton, lies in the general hospital with bullet in his body from the pistol of Sheriff Merwin. The shooting grew out of an attempt yesterday to evict Frank Favrean's brother from the house he rented from first selectman C. W. Candee. According to Candee, the three Favrean brothers, John, George and Frank, went to his house and threatened kill him.

He saw they were desperate. and that at least two of them flourished pigtols. The three brothers, it is alleged, stood in the road in front of house, threw stones and terrorized the villagere. Several shots were fired at the house. Mr Candee sent word to Sheriff Merwin that he needed assistance in dealing with the three brothers.

The sheriff at 30 o'clock last night started for the scene of the trouble. In the moonlight he saW the three Pavreans in front of Candee's house. He ordered them to disperse. Frank Favrean pulled his pistol and fired at the sheriff. it is claimed.

The bullet whisked by the sheriff's head and he then drew his own gun and shot Frank just over the heart. Selectman Candee took: charge of the wounded man and carried him to the nospital, while Sheriff Merwin lodged George and John Favrean in jail. At the hospital tonight little hope of Frank Favrean's recovery WaS entertained. MAY COST $20,000,000. New York Considering a Water Supply from 1 Poughkeepsie.

NEW YORK. May 10-From the HudsOn river, through a line of pipes more than 70 miles long. New York will get Its new water supply, if Commissioner Grier Monroe's advice is taken. It is proposed to put what is known A8 an in the river, some distance above Poughkeepsie, and pump it to the filter beds, estimated to cost $7,000,000. Thence the purifled water will be brought through pipes capable of delivering 250.000.900 gallons every 24 hours.

The problem of getting the conduits to the city limits has vexed those who have made a study of the system more than anything else. Considerable difticulty will be met, because of the elevations this side of Poughkeepsie, and about which must be tunnelled. This tunnel work makes the cost problematical, but the experts belleve that $20,000,000 is a safe estimate to cover all possible expense. DEATHS. ARTMAN-In Roxbury, May 10, William J.

Artman. 27 VIA 4 mos 17 ds. Funeral from his late residence. 27 Benton st, Tuesday, Mar 12. at 8:30 a m.

Services at St Francis de Sales' church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends kindly invited. Somerville, May 9, Erie Aurust Bjorkman, 66 yrs. Funeral services at hie late residence, 63 Trull st. Tuesday, May 12, at 2 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited. CROWTON- In Attleboro, Emily Crowton. Funeral Mt Hope, Maple Grove, Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock. CUDDY-At Massachusetts General hospital, May 9, John Cuddy, 60 yrs. Funeral from the residence of his son, William H.

Cuddy, 2 Beidge ct, off No. Anderson st. Tuesday, May 12. at 8:30. High mass of requiem at St Joseph's church.

Chambers st. at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. DE LA GRANJA -In this elty, May 9. Edward De La Granja.

Funeral from late resIdence. 265 Shawmut av. Monday, May 11, at 11 a m. Friends invited. DOYLE requiem high masa for the repose the soul of Elisha W.

Doyle will be cele. brated Wednesday morning at 7:30 o'clock at the Star of the Sea church. cor Moore and Saratoga sts. East Boston. Relatives and friends are requested to attend.

FLANDERS -In Greenbush, May 9, Mary Ann T. Flanders, 78 yes 1 me. GEER-In this city, May 9, Mary Caroline, widow of Charles H. Geer. and daughter of the late Joseph Lincoln, 80 yrs 5 mos 19 ds.

Funeral from her late residence, 12 Pinckney st, Tuesday, May 12, at 12:45. ITART- -In Everett. May 11, John Arthur Hart, 47 vra. Funeral services will be held at his late residence, No. 19 Bolater st.

Wednesday, Afay 18, at 1 m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. HAYNES-In this elty, May 8. Mary, Jane. widow of James Haynes, 61 gra Funeral from Forest Hills chapel, Monday, at 12 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited to attend. HOGAN- -In this city, May 9, Michael son of John Hogan. 37 yrs. Funeral from 5 Whitmore st, Tuesday, May 12, at 8 o'clock. High mass at St.

James' church at 9 A mn. Relatives and friends invited to attend. HOLT--In Somerville, May 9, Martha L. Holt 83 yra. Funeral from home of F.

J. Benthall, 36 Highland road, West Somerville, Tuesday, 1:80 m. JACOBS- -In Dorchester. May 9, Isabella wife of Samuel Jacobe, 29 yrs 10 mos 17 ds. Funeral services at her late residence, 43 Callender st.

on Tuesday at 2. mn. itelatives invited to attend. St John, papers please copy. LUND In this elty, May 10, Catharine, wife of J.

Jensen Lund, 80 yrs 2 mos 5 ds. Funeral from her late residence, 53 Paul st, Wednesday, May 13, at 1:30 o'clock. Relatives and friends kindly invited to be present. MULLALLY- In Cambridgeport, Sunday, May 10, Mary beloved daughter of Michael and Hannah Mullally (nee Welch). Funeral from her late home, 24 Willow st, Tuesday.

May 12, at 8 a m. High mass of requiem at the church of the Saered Heart at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment in St Paul's cemetery, Arlington. 0'BRIEN-In East Boston.

May 9. Mary, widow of the late Timothy O' Brien, former1v of Fort Hill. Funeral from her late dence. No. 2 Paris ct.

Tuesday, May 12, nt 8:15 a m. Requiem mass at church of the Most Holv Redeemer at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. PAGE -In Del Monte, Calif, May 2, Kilby Page. Funeral services at the First Unitarian church, Eliot sq, Roxbury, on Monday, May 11, at 2 o'clock.

QUARTZ -In Newton Highlands, May 9, Susan, beloved wife of James Quartz, 43 FrS. Funeral from her late residence. 22 Floral st. Monday, May 11, at 8 a m. Services at the church of the Sacred Heart, Newton Centre, nt 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend. Interment at Mt Benediet cemetery, West Roxbury. REILLY--In Roxbury, May 9, suddenly, Mary oldest daughter of the late John and Prudence A. Rellly. Funeral from her late residence, 12 Dunmore st, Tuesday, May 12, at 8:15 a m.

High mass at St Patrick's church, Dudley st, 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. New York papers please copy. RYDER--In this eity, May 9, Catherine, widow Charles Ryder, 69 years. Funeral from her late residence, 82 Dover st, Tuesday, at 8:30.

Funeral mass at the cathedral at 9 o'clock. STEBBINS--In Jamaica Plain, May 8, Alfred Stebbins, 77, yrs 8 mos. Funeral services at his late residence, 9 Woodside av, Monday, at 2:30 o'clock. CEMETERY WORK Large Assortment--Also Selection from Administrator's sale offered very low and delivered at any depot in New England. Cars from Bowdoin Sq.

and Park Sq. stop at door, Transfer Station. 87 MAIN CAMBRIDGEPORT HORGAN'S SuM FLOWERS TOT 2 Beacon St. Funeral Dee gns a dSutt ap13 WT. BENEDICT CEMETERY WEST ROXBURY.

Please leave all orders and make all poyments at the cemetery office, corner of Washington and Dudley Roxbury, that are intended for Memorial Day, as soon 1 possible. May 11, 1903. In Brookline, May 10. Margaret daughter of Catherine and patrolman John J. Sullivan.

Funeral from parents' residence, 66 Chestnut st. Tuesday, May 12, at 8 111. High mass of requiem at St Mary's church of the Assumntion at 8:45 a m. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. Jamaica Plain.

May S. Arthur Everett, soIl of Charles E. and Elsie A. Sweetland, 30 yrs 8 mos 8 ds. Funeral from residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs Almira Forbes.

24 Chauney pl, Monday, friends May 11, at 2 o'clock m. Relatives and invited without further notice. Interment Winthrop. Mass. war -In West Acton, Capt Frank H.

Whiteomb, 65 yrs. Funeral from Universalist church. West Acton, Tuesday, May. 12, at 2 Relatives and friends invited to attend. WHITE--In Arlington, May 10, Ellen, widow of Christopher White (nee O' Brien), 59 yrs.

May 13. at 8:15. one Solemn high mass at St Funeral from Mt Vernon st Wednesday, Agnes' church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. GLOBE LETTER BOX.

DEATHS. Letters remaining in the Globe counting room Sunday, May. 10. In calling for them please say Advert! --201. 207.

225, 227, 259. 279, 294, 302, 307, 308, 311, 345, 348, 349, 380, 384. B-203, 216, 250. 259, 265, 267, 287, 238, 332, 338. 339, 346, 882.

C--202, 220, 228. 259, 260, 262, 286, 298, 302, 825, 368. 374, 378, 380, 382. D--203. 275, 282.

288. 291, 302, 333, 339, 343, 372, 374. 384, 387. E-244, 247. 253, 265, 268, 269, 271, 273, 299, 300.

312, 325, 330. 358, 360, 360, 872, 373, 877. 387. 219, 245, 247. 272.

292, 295, 290. 298, 310. 311. 312, 320, 323, 332, 370, 876. G--S4 198, 207.

236, 238, 283, 287, 298, 303, 322, 326, 346, 366. 11-238. 265, 282, 295, 207. 303, 312, 327, 334, 340, 343. 345.

847, 372. 375. J-50, 117. 220. 276, 290.

293. 378, 311, 312, 314, 316, 319, 336. 345, 348, 383. I -205. 207.

222. 223. 259. 260. 261.

264, 265, 269, 274. 281. 201, 292. 306. 326, 328.

329, 831. 334. 336. 343. 355.

370, 377. 378, 898. M-35. 202. 208.

268, 300, 314, 317, 327, 350, 371, 374. 379. N-202. 260, 271. 325, 326, 327, 331, 334, 335, 336.

341. 348, 397. 0-211. 221. 277.

308. 326, 334, 344, 349, 370, 375. 377. 378. 381, 383.

P-201. 203. 228. 239, 246, 247. 268.

272, 275, 287. 297, 208, 300, 305, 327, 343, 368, 377, 381. R-200, 236. 237. 243.

244. 260, 285. 290, 292, 311. 324. 329, 348.

372, 877, 389, 390. S-234. 240. 251. 283.

286, 295, 326, 328, 338. 345. 349. 383. 394.

T-170, 242, 248, 250, 313, 316, 325, 328, 330, 336. -228. 234. 259. 289, 299.

334. 343. 371. 386. W- 230.

231. 235. 249, 255, 258, 269, 299, 302. 334. 338, 385.

282. 283. 301. 372. 227.

250. 251. 286, 288, 310, 320, 323, 327. 348, 377, 387. SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE A SITUATION wanted by American man as foreman in stable or responsible position in care of driving and handling of horses and colts on place; can furnish the best of references.

J. 3A Dover st, Boston. my5 AM CARPENTER and builder, 15 years exp, also understands care and driving horses, deing candy or cigar team; has small family. sires position as carpenter, coachman a or driv266. Globe office.

AN EXPERIENCED piano and organ tuner would like a position in some music store; best of references as to character and ability. Address 260, Globe office. my 9 AN AMERICAN, strictly. temperate, wants sit 88 engineer or millwright. or as an allround mechanic: dan ref.

H. W. WYMAN. Mattapan, Mass. mys A YOUNG IRISHMAN, 20 years old, wants work.

can care for horses and do plain gardening, has good references. 232, Globe office. my9 AT HURLEY'S. 27 Cornhill-Farmers, all natonalities, good milkera, able-bodied teamsters, stablemen, married couples, chore boys, new arrivals. A SITUATION by second class engineer, good reference, night or day, good on Harrisburg engines.

333, Globe office. dSu4t my9 BAKER wants work, night or day; steady sober; long experience. OSCAR ANDERsON, 197 Washington st. Cambridgeport, Mass. BARBER wants position in summer hotel, long experience.

NICHOLS, 35 Worcester st. my8 CHEF wants position: also wife, pastry cooking; strictly temperate. Chef, 24 Harvard st, Bostou, Mass. my7 DRESSMAKER would like a few more engagements by the day. Address Mrs DOCKHAM, 46 Hawthorne st, Chelsea, Mass.

my10 ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN with tact. and business ability would like suitable position, best references. Address bell 2, 40 Norway st, Boston. ELECTRICIAN'S helper, 1 year's exp, would like situation. Address 362, Globe office.

myl1 ENGINEER. first-class license, good machinist, do all repairs, reference A1. Address 897. Globe office. my10 ENGINEER wants a situation.

2d class lie, with ref. 181 Hyde Park av, Hyde Park. my 10 EXPERIENCED NURSE would like engageinents. 122 Chandler st, IN MACHINE or blacksmiths shop. tion wanted by young Swede.

nge 21. chance to learn the trade, strong and willing speak some English. Address C. PETERSON. Rox 189 Weston.

Mass. SITUATION wanted by exp meat cutter with good refs. C. A. 13 Enfeld st, Jamaica Plain.

SuM WANTED, by young man of 18. chance in broker's office. Address 286, Globe office. Sud3t my 10 YOUNG COLORED MAN wishes situation care of horees, temperate: can give good ref from last place. I' 392, Globe office.

YOUNG MAN would like a position in photograph business. had a little experience. Addregs F. MEINKE, 9 Boylston pl, city. 3 MARRIED couples, American, down east couples, gent's and farm places.

36 Borlaton. SITUATIONS WANTED -FEMALE A MIDDLE- American lady would like position as housekeeper in widower's small family where there are no small children; can make home pleasant and agreeable, can give the best of references. Address A 279, Globe ottice. my10 A PROT AM WOMAN wants position a8 working housekeeper 111 widower's family where a neat. honest person will be appreciAddress Housekeeper, 41 Franklin st, Medford, Mass.

A wants position making or repairing SHOEMAKER Swede, new arrival: good hand worker. Call or address Mr ANDERSON, 12 Maple Andover, Mass. myl1 AMERICAN WOMAN wants position 09 housekeeper for elderly gentleman or widower. Lock Box 469, Haverhill, Mass, my? A CAPABLE woman wants washing, ironing, cleaning offices, etc. Mrg 46 Emerald vt.

first floor, eity. Sud3te AT 1031 WASHINGTON -Hotel and family help. Tel 723-3 Tremont. EMERSON student. strong.

healthy girl. wants a suitable position for her vacation. just commencing. 118 companion, nursery maid. chambermaid, etc; best of references.

Please didress D. M. 12 Wellington st, Boston, Mass. HOUSEKEEPER -Position wanted by neat. reliable young widow in nice respt widower's small family of male adults: only those with good homes need reply, city pref, best of ref.

Housekeeper, 37 Centre st, upstairs, Concord, HI. HOUSEWORK- -Position wanted by Prot woman with elderly people, no postals, 611- burbs or country. 84 Dudley st, Roxbury. PROT AM WOMAN would like position 88 housekeeper in hotel or matron in publi: or private institution; reference. 257, Globe office.

my7 POSITION wanted as nurse maid, 2 years' experience, beach preferred, references. Apply by letter to HELLEN TABOUR, Milford, Mass. PROTESTANT woman wants position, cook or general housework. 7 269. Globe office.

PROTESTANT woman wants work, day or bour. LEONKE, 5 Church pl, city. SITUATION wanted by first-clasa chef in summer hotel, well experienced at the business. J. S.

WHEB, 8 Phillips st. Boston, Mass. my 10 STENOGRAPHER having had 11 months' experience in general office work, would like position. graduate of business college. F.

M. Somerville postoffice. my9 AGENTS, PARTNERS, ETC MEN of ability and acquaintance can earn $50 weekly in their own locullty. WHITE LOTHROP. 164 Federal st.

dSutt ap17 35-WORD ADVT. 5 times 20c. Enterprise. Brockton, Mass: circulation 8000. dSutt ja14 MALE HELP WANTED AT Engineers' Bureau, 1031 Washington stDraftsman, 1 1st-class engineer, 2 2ds and 3 firemen.

A MAN wanted in cigar store, $15 a week: no experience needed: must have $150 cash. See Mr BISHOP, 724 Washington st. my10 AT LYON'S. 17-49 Cornhill, suit or overcoat cleansed. pressed 50cts.

pants 15cts, altering, repairing. ALL, RR TICKETS bought and sold. STEW. ART, 533 Washington st. my 10 A KITCHEN MAN wanted in restaurant.

26 Huntington av. BAKER--A Arst-class second hand on bread and cake, a few miles out from Boston, steady and temperate. Address, with ref, 293, Globe office. BOILERMAKERS wanted to take positions out of town, wages to 40 cents per hour. to CHAS.

CREIGHTON, room 28. hotel Regent, 133 Court st. Boston. BARBER wanted, American, Arst-class workman: $12 per week. Address Lock box 281.

Plymouth, H. dSu3t my9 BARBER. young man, $6, board, room, or man evenings and Saturday, $7, good, steady only. CATE, 523 Magoun sq, Somerville. BARBER wanted.

young man. 1146 Washington st. Milton. BARBER wanted, young man, $6 and board and room. 7 272, Globe office.

BARBER. today, DO boys, steady, frst-class. Hanco*ck House, Quiacy. Mass. MALE HELP WANTED WANTED-By leading New York house in bakers' and confectioners' supplies, an Experienced and Able Salesman to travel in the England states.

Trade established and dine opportunity offered to the right man. Address 265, Globe office. dSu3t my8 HAND LASTERS MANN CO, 36 Lincoln st, Boston. or Windsor, Vt. dSutf my9 WANTED- hand on lasting the Consolidated method meh and pullers-over.

Apply at Cape Ann Shoe Co, Gloucester, Mass. dSutf ap30 NIGHT WATCHMAN. Wanted for manufacturing establishment in Cambridge; must be well recommended and licensed. Address, stating wages expected, age, experience, etc. 0 259.

Globe office. SuM BARBER WANTED-First-class young man. 5 Forest st, Medford. BARBER WANTED-64 Warren st, Roxbury. REYNOLDS, 28 Central 8q.

Cambridge. BARBER- young man. PHIN. BARBER--Young man, German preferred. 361, Globe office.

BARBER- steady man. with board: also one for Sat evenings. 284 Center st, Jam Plain, CARRIAGE PAINTER. all-around man: also country: man, milk wagon. LATHROP, 7 Tremont row.

Boston. CYLINDER VAMPERS. steady work, union factory. Long Shoe Co, So Framingbam, Sud4t my 10 CARRIAGE PAINTER, second hand, long job. Apply E.

C. BAILEY, Kingston. Mass. COOK, first-class, all-round man, for meat and pastry. Address 22 Irving st, So.

Framingham, Mass. my11 CARRIAGE PAINTERS and trimmers. Apply, stating experience and wages desired, to Electric Vehicle Co, Hartferd, Conn. dSu7t my9 COOKS, married couple together, institution, nice place, good pay. PARNELL'S, 46 School st.

CUTTERS, outside and cloth cutters, union edgesetters, heelstoner and scourer. LONG Shoe Co. So. Framingham, Mass. my8 CUSTOM pantaloon makers.

24 Redford st; take elevator. A. LEARY. my 10 CARRIAGE PAINTER wanted. 1 second band.

Columbia Road Carriage Co, Dorchester. DRUG CLERKS, don't be discouraged: I can puss you before summer no matter how often you failed: the records of the state board verify that my pupils with very few exceptions Were the only ones that passed since last June; don't bother about the new U. S. it comes into effect in 190: take my course now and you can be in business for yourself long before that date: my laboratory is now ready and my specimens are absolutely free to any clerk who desires to call. JOHN MD, 536 Broadway, South Boston; telephone 511-2.

my 10 board 'special' state board course: CLERKS, rapidly prepared to pass my pupils pass at every exam; write for particulars. Dr PATRICK, 19 Essex st, Boston. myl1 ENGINEERS and firemen instructed for 11- censes in the right way to get them at the only recognized and reliable school; no high fees, and you get your licenses: all my pupils furnished employnient; instruction by correspondence to successfully pass any tion: send for new illustrated catalog. State Steam Engineering School. 27 Tremont row, Scollay si, Boston.

JAMES COYNE, M. instructor and proprietor. my10 ENGINEERS and fremen-The success of our students has been phenomenal; instructions for licenses on full size boilers, engines, etc. in actual operation, under direction Thos. Hawley, seven years state examiner of engineers; open and evening; visitors welcome; send for prospectus.

HAWLEY School of Engineering, 115 Huntington av, Boston. dSutf 83 ENGINEER AND FIREMEN- No one can instruct you for a license at a less cost or in a shorter time than I can. State Steam Engineering School, 27 Tremont row. JAMES COYNE, Instructor and proprietor; always open. my10 ENGINEERS and firemen, I will Instruct you to get a fireman's licence for $15, 3d engineer's $20, 2d engineer's $30, and a 1st class engineer's $40.

WM. R. BAILEY, Mgr, N. E. School of Engineering, 115 Haverhill st.

my8 ENGINEERS and Aremen, send 10 cts for book of questions asked by state examiners. N. E. School of Engineering, Boston. my10 EXP HOTEL, housework, bellboys, young man, gent's place; 9 o'clock.

36 Boylston. FULL SET TEETH old ones remade cracked plates repaired 25c; fillings 25c up; extracting absolutely painless. New York Dental Rooms, 7 Tremont row; always open. SuMWFtf 026 FEW very cheap tickets. Yarmouth.

Halifax, Montreal and Quebec. COLPITTS, 146 Canal st. my10 FARM LABORER wanted, single man, must be familiar with general farm work and good milker. Apply. ready for work, to B.

L. BAILEY, 465 Washington st, city. SuM FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER wanted at once. M. J.

CONNOR, 38 Union sq, Somerrille. Mass. FARMERS, infik milkers, two men: LATHROP, ice 7 wagon, Trecountry, man, wagon. mont row, Boston. SuM GENTLEMEN of refinement who can devote from 1 to 4 hours dally to light, profitable work (no canv), address 394, Globe office.

my 10 GOOD FARM bands, milkers, married conwork on farm. 51 Washington st: STOILBON. GOOD all round baker in small shop at once. M. J.

WATERMAN, Waterbury, Vt. HOTEL HELP REGISTER for summer positions, large number of places now. Call or write Hotel Help Association. 116 Court st. Boston.

Lastern branch, 143 Free st, Portland, Me. HANDY MAN to care for horses and retail coal team, come ready for work and bring refcrences, Roxbury man preferred. 2 Mall st. Rox. HOUSE PAINTERS wanted.

Apply 124 Inman st. Cambr'dge, Monday norning. WANT young man partner with $150; $15 week. Mr SHERMAN. 180 Wash.

st. JOB PRINTING SOLICITOR wanted, one who has established trade. first -class man only: salary and commission. GEO. B.

DODGE CO. 311 Atlantic av. FSuM my8 KITCHEN MAN wanted. Call 700 Tremont st. LABORERS find employment on East Boston tunnel.

Call 6:30 night or morning. 23 Lewis st, East Boston. dSutt mh10 MEN and boys wanted from New England states to learn barber trade: by July we want 500 graduates for beaches, mountains, botal shops, etc, positions paying $10 to $18. HALL'S Barber School. 814 Washington at.

Boston: expert teachers, constant practice, call or write. STITCHERS and standard screw operators wanted oil misses' and children's spring heel goods: none but sober inen need apply. Derry Shoe Co, West Derry, H. Sud7t my 10 MILLER WANTED- To take charge of small grain mill, honest. strictly temperate and not afraid of work, give references.

A 319, Globe office. MAINSPRINGS 30c. A No. 1. put in waiting.

warranted 2 yrs: cleaned 50c. Remember ALBERT'S, 229 Tremont st. OUTSOLE CUTTERS $2.50, lifting and tap cutters $2. 9 hours, union factory. LONG Shoe Co.

So. Framingham, Mass. my8 OFFICE BOY (American), must be good penman and live with parents, $4 per. week to start. 0 207.

Globe office. my9 OPTICIAN wanted. one that understands grinding end rimless work. C. ROGERS CO.

Springfield, Mass. 3t my 11 PLUMPERS wanted-100 Journeymen plumbers. good wages, steady work and 8 hours to constitute a day's labor. Address Providence Master Plumbers' Associatica, 28 Custom House st, Providence, I. dSutt my? PRINTER warted.

one famillar with job composition and job presses, strictly temperate. NICHOLLS. the Printer, 37 4th st, Chelsea: tel 447-3. SuM PAINTERS wanted at once. Apply W.

BOWMAN. 37 Capitol st, Watertown. my10 PERNIN SCHOOL. 100 Boylston st--Open all summer; trial free: uneducated not taken. Sud6t my 10 RELIABLE PARTY to take charge of Boston undertaker's office: experience unnecessary; will teach party embalming; good salary to start; $300 to $500 required.

203, Globe office. SuM ROUGE BUFFERS wanted on knives, forks, spoons, ete; highest wages and steady employment to the best workmen. Meriden Britannia Co, (Int. Sil. Co.

Successor), Meriden, Conn. SuM my10 SHOE FITTER, accustomed to stitching. handy with knife: steady work, good pay year around. GEORGE E. BROWN, 94 Arch st.

SHOE CUTTERS WANTED-2 good outside cutters on vici and box calf; steady work, men's shoes. HUCKINS. TEMPLE WOOD, Milford, Mass. Sud3t my 10 TEACHER. without position, to travel in western Mass on an educational line; salary and commission.

L. C. HASCALL, 36 Browfield st, room 35, Boston. dSu30t ap28 TEACHERS, students and others desiring light, profitable work for leisure time (no canvassing) shonld address 395, Globe office. my 10 TWO CARRIAGE trimmers wanted.

also inan run Elliott dasb wachine. GEO. H. JEWETT, 10 Canal st. my7 TAILOR WANTED--I will pay $600 a year to a good tailor.

Apply at once to J. F. YOUNG. Newmarket, I. TWO Arst-class tailors at once; good prices.

TOYE. 18 Blue Hill av. UPHOLSTERER wanted on couches. steady job to the right man. J.

OSIASAN. 372 Colombia st, Fall River, Mass. WANTED -A laboring man, about 85 or 40 vents old, a handy man who can make himself generally useful. steady job for the right man, must he strictly temperate and one who is in the habit of working on a farm, must know how to take care of horses, $25 per month, with board and room. Address 399, Globe office.

WANTED -10 first-class house painters once. Apply to J. A. KENNEDY, PhillipsExeter academy, Exeter, H. WANTED on womeu's.

misses' and child's grain and split shoes. Apply at once to A. E. MALE HELP WANTED WANTED- Agents for Rand, McNally Co's pocket atlas of the world, just published, containing colored maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe; agents now selling 500 a month: send for terms or save time by remitting 25c for sample, terms, etc. Address RAND, MeNALLY CO, 142 5th av, New York.

my 3,11,18 WANTED -For army, able-bodied, unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35. citisons of United States. of good character and temperate habits. who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 73 Hanover st, or 1125 Washington Boston, Mass.

WFM39t apl WANTED -3 wood pattern makers, 3 die sinkers on drop forge dies; also 2 experlenced men on Pratt Whitney hand screw machines; none but first-class men need apply. United Shoe Machinery Co, McKay dept factory, Winchester, Mass. Sud4t my 10 WANTED at once. 2 able bodied single farmers, young men, strictly temperate and reliable: none others need call. Apply to ALEXANDER BRUCE, Dr W.

H. Baker's Farm, Waltham, Mass. SuM WANTED -Experienced shirt washer in large washroom, one capable of handling 6 washers, good chance for advancement, references quired. University City Laundry, 6th and Binney sts, E. Camb.

dSutt my9 WANTED -Well educated men. about 25 years of age, to learn our business, permanent position guaranteed to right men, experience required. Essex Publishing Co, 120 Boylston st, Boston; room 401. WANTED -Cutters on misses' and child's box calf and kid shoes, also young man used to working on pleced stays and back stays out of kid pieces. At RICE HUTCHINS', Ine, Main-st Factory, Marlboro, Mass.

dSu3t my! WANTED-A1 experienced foreman for Goodyear turn work ladles' fine shoes; must be experienced in making turn work by machinery in team system. Address 263. Globe office. my9 WANTED-Experienced meat cutter who understands grocery and provision business; strictly honest and reliable; $12 per week. Apply 5 Portland st.

Cambridgeport. Firstclass reference required. to sewing machines; liberal cash adWANTED few men of neat appearance, vances to the right parties. Apply 8 a WHEELER WILSON Mfg Co, 178 Tremont st. dSutt aplo WANTED--Young man with few years' perience work on bread and pies; night work; must be steady good worker.

Apply to HARRY W. KNIGHT, Monday or Tuesday, 87 Com st, Boston. WANTED--Good canvassers, scheme. but steady work and prompt pay; write for particulars. Western New York Nursery Co, Dept G.

Rochester, Y. my8 WANTED -Men for the U.S nary, ablebodied, age 18 to 35, and boys, age 15 to 17; write for information. Naval Recruiting Station. 22 Hanover st, Boston. Mass.dSu104t mh19 WANTED Carpet layers and man on team, also window sereen and cabinet, makers.

BLACK'S Carpet Cleaning 4th st, Chelsea. WANTED A man who thoroughly understands stable work, to one not afraid of work and reliable. a steady place. Apply to WM. NOKES, Reading.

SuM stands the care of horse, to deliver coal and WANTED -Experlenced teamster who underorders. Apply 5 Portland st, Cambridgeport. $10 per week: first-class reference required. WANTED--First-class Mergenthaler machine operators for newspaper work, good wages, steady work. Address, with full particulars as to ability, 284, Globe office.

dSu3t my! VANTED-2 or 3 granite cutters on monumental work, also one to letter with pneumatic tool, union wages, steady job. ELIAS SECOMBE, Ansonia, Conn. mys WANTED--A first-class experienced proofrender, good wages and permanent situation, state age and previous employers. 254, Globe office. WANTED -First-class lifting cutters.

steady work and good pay. Apply to J. B. RENTON CO, 14-28 Harrison ct, Lynn, Mass. dSu7t my8 WANTED -Nonregistered drug clerk.

2 or 3 Fears' experience. Address, giving references and salary expected, 24, Lynn Postoffice. my8 WANTED- bright, reliable man for permanent position, good chance for right man. $14 weekly. Apply 725 Washington st, room 2.

WANTED- Two first-class press hande, male or female, for Bliss presses in King Kang factory, steady work. Apply to J. C. RUDESILL, 4 Commercial st. Boston.

SuM -First-class steambtters: $4.50 per hours. Address Mr JOS. H. FURBER, Sec'y, Odd Fellows' bldg, St. Louts, Mo.

dSu3t my? WANTED- First-class woolen spinners, day and night work, wages $11 to $15 per week. American Woolen Co, Winooski, Vt. dSu14t my7 WANTED- striper to do rough line work. England Baby Carriage Co, Winchendon, Mass. 1Sutt myo WANTED -In office of wholesale coal house, young man for general work, wages $150 first year.

Box 1144, Boston. my7 WANTED-Experienced salesman for gents' goods. Apply Quincy Department Store, Quincy. WANTED-Man to represent us in Boston and vicinity on our medical library, D. AP.

PLETON CO. 120 Boylston st, Boston. WANTED-2 porters for hotel, to make themselves useful, only those who want work need. 436. Globe office.

WANTED once. -A IRA good C. all-round WILLETT, 146 upholsterer; Center come st. Brockton. my7 WANTED Operator en McKay sewing machine.

At RICE Ine. Main-st Factory, Marlboro, Mass. dSu3t my! WANTED--A young man as bookkeeper. one familiar with department store accounta, none otber need apply. 327.

Globe office. tf ja22 WANTED--Carriage trimmer, che who 1191- derstands repairing. Apply in person, SAW. YER. CHASE CO.

Lynn. Mass. d86t my9 WANTED Photographer, good all-round man. one who can make tintypes. W.

A. FLANNERY. Mitford, Mass. my 10 WANTED Chair rubbers and polishers. ADply to P.

DERBY CO. 25 Water st, Charlestown. Mass. SuM WANTED- Experienced Haverhill heel cutWESSON, No. 7 Asylum st, Worcester.

Mass. myS WANTED -Operator for Rapid nailer, also sole layer at once. Alton Shoe Co. Alton, H. Sud3t my 10 WANTED A few good reed workers on chairs.

Bay State Chair Co. opposite Pairpoint New Bedford. Mass. my 10 WANTED Hand lasters women's kid shoes. co trouble.

Address A. J. FOSTER, Henniker. H. Sud3t my 10 Two first-class plumbers at once.

L. E. ANDREWS Co, Gloucester, Mass. my 10 WANTED- Young office. men for dairy lunch my6 counter.

Globe WANTED -10 house painters. No. 472 Ocean Revere, Mass. WANTED--Young man to paint window screens. 11.

C. PARLEE. 23 Haverhill st. WANTED-2d-hand on gears in paint shop. M.

O'BRIEN, Bridge st. Salem, Mass. Waiter ac once. MILLETT'S. Harvard so.

Cambridge. WANTED Cambridge. immediately. H. O'LEARY.

861 Main st. WANTED- A smart bey. $3 to start. J. DONOVAN.

79 Harrison av. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO LEARN TAILORING aed cotting of the Boston School of Garment Cutting. 241 Tremont st, Boston: good cutters earn from $18 to $35 per week; best trade in existence for a young man to learn: write for particulars and terms; come now for positions. my 10 2 BARBERS wanted, first-class, stendy job, $7 per week. board.

room and washing. Address G. T. STORY, Enosburg Falls, Vt. m39 2 MEN, over 25, of good education, to follow extensive newspaper advertising, calling upon selected customers; salary and commission.

BALCH BROS CO. 36 Promfleld st. Boston. dSu30t ap28 40 PAVING CUTTERS wanted. E.

BRIDGES. Swans Island. Me. my9 55 FARMERS. milkers, married couples, teamsters, hotel, restaurant help.

PARNELL'S. 46 Schocl st. COATS AND VESTS. SPRING OVERCOATS and trousers, uncalled for and samples. High-grade garments, selling at low brices.

W. BERMAN CO, Tallois and Importers, 164 Hanover st. FEMALE HELP WANTED A GIRL for chamber work. with some washing. in house where lodgers are kept: one that can go home nights.

255. Globe office. A YOUNG LADY. 16 to 22 years, good spell. er, in a leading shorthand school; will be given instruction in stenography iu exchange for services.

399. Globe office. AT HURLEY'S. 27 Cornhill-Housework girls $4.50, all-round cooks, kitchen women, home nights, married couples, laundry, cleaners. A CAPABLE GIRL or middle-aged for housework to go in the country; no objection to woman with child 4 to 6 of age.

Call at 20 Locust st. West Everett. AT Tremont st-Housework girls, colored and white, nice familles, good pay, cooks, chamber, pantry, kitchen, new arrivals. AT 1031 Washington st-Cooks, laundresses, waitresses, general housework and chamber girls. my10 AT Tremont st-19 waitresses, city, seashore.

mountains: meet employer Monday 10 a m. A LADY wanted to work on novelties in spare time. Address 392, Globe office. my 10 A RESPECTABLE kitchen girl wanted to make herself useful; no other need apply. D.

BAUM. 54 Kneeland st, city. myll BOOKKEEPER for laundry, one thnt can mark goods. American Hand Laundry, 32 Richmond st, Providence, I. BAKERY saleslady wanted.

49 Main Charlestown. st, CYLINDER VAMPERS- -Steady work; union factory. LONG Shoe Co, South Framingham, Mass. Sud4t my 10 COOKS, waitress, chamber, laundress, housework, kitchen girls. Miss GRAHAM, 88 Boylston st.

COOKS $5 to $7, housework $4 $5, second $4, waltresses. 206 Massachusetts av. room 202. COOKS $5, housework 414 $4.50, green girls $8. BRODERICK'S, Broadway, So.


BINDER TWINE, steady work and good pay. Apply SEWALL DAY MILl, 358 Western av. Brighton. 4Sutf d6 EXPERIENCED millinery saleswoman trimmed hats; good pay and long season right party. Apply nt ALLAND'S.

112 mont st. SuM HOME WORK. WOMEN to do Renaissance or Battenberg lace work at home; all materials furnished; steady work, fair pay; this 19 honest employment and not scheme. WELLINGTON- COLLEGE GIRL- -The name of our $1 corset: daintiest, nattiest, most chic and best shirt waist corset; sold in all first-class stores: If your dealer does not have it, send direct to us; new steels given free to. replace broken ones.

BOSTON HYGIENIC CORSET CO. 12 and 14 Winter st. COOKS. second maid. bousework, all nationalities, 42000 wages, new arrivals.

36 Boylaton. COOK for small boarding bouse. Rhode Island House, 150" East Howard st, Quincy Point. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring and millinery taught thoroughly, come now for positions: school daily, also Mon. Wed and Fri eve gn; call or write.

LITCHFIELD, 837 Washington st. mY 10 DOWN-EAST GIRLS, come to the East office, good places, good wages. 7 Park sq. EXPERIENCED chamber maid, neat and capable. Call Monday, 130 Bowdoln st, Beacon.

EXPERIENCED general housework girl. 3 adults. 8 Bullard st, Meeting House Hill car. FREE customer who purchases a milltars corset from. us this week will receive a garden corset free: also 10 cents for car fare.

Boston Hygienic Corset Co, 12 and 14 Winter st; Standard Fashion bldg. FREE-12 handsome tencups and 12 sancers, 24-piece set: sell 20 10c packages of perfume. DAN. McDONALD, Box 513. Lowell, Mass.

my5 FANCY IRONER wanted. HAMLIN'S Hand Laundry, 195 Mass. av. FIRST-CLASS scrub woman wanted for hotel work. 349, Globe office.

myl1 GIRLS with good references wanted for domestic work. Apply 7 Park sq. GIRL for lunch counter work. Call 473 Broadwar. South Boston.

HOTEL HELP REGISTER for summer posttions. large number of places now. Call or write Hotel Help Association, 116 Court st. Boston. Eastern branch, 143 Free st, Portland, Me.

HATS trimmed 35c. tips curled Sc. dresses made $6 up, skirts $2. Mme LITCHFIELD, 837 Washington st. my 10 HOTEL cook.

waitress, chambermaid, pantry, kitchen, laundry help; steam and plain. 36 Boriston. LEARN dressmaking and millinery- -Cut out this ad, we will allow $5 for it any day this week on your tuition at the Ladies' Tallor Dressmaking and Millinery College, 241 Tremont st: come now, positions guaranteed; 9 a to 5 dally: evening school, Mon. Wed and Fri from 7 to 9 call or write for descriptive circular. my11 LAUNDRY GIRLS wanted -Markers and 05- sorters on starch work, catchers, feeders and folders in mangle department.

CREAMERWING Laundry Co. 59 West Newton st. LADY over 21, of education and address. traveling saleswoman; salary and commission. BALCH BROS CO, 36 Bromdeld st.

Boston. dSutt ap30 LADY demonstrator wanted, Monday mornIng. ready for work. 235 Washington st, 23. LADY SOLICITOR for laundry work, good chance.

Yankee Ldry, 10A Dartmouth st. NEAT colored girl wants position, general housework In small family, to sleep home night; best reference. Addres 51 Melrose st. PERNIN SCHOOL. Boylston st.

open all summer; trial free; uneducated not taken. Sud6t my 10 STITCHERS, sheepskin coats; girls to learn. M. J. COLLINS, 16 Thayer st.

my10 TEACHERS. students and others desiring light, profitable work for leisure time (DO canvassing) should address 393. Globe office. my10 TEACHER. witnout position, to travel in western Mass on an educational line: salary and commission.

L. C. HASCALL, 36 field st, room 35, Boston. dS130t 8p25 TABLE GIRL wanted; also one 2 bours daily. 43 Bowdoin st.

TWO experienced pantry girls wa wanted for hotel. 848, Globe office. my11 TWO experienced kitchen girls wanted. Apply 347, Globe office. 2t my 11 WANTED -Colored girl for general notise.

work, 2 in family; must be good cook, dress and waitress. Address suite 6, 1455 con st. Brookline. WANTED--Curtain operators, experienced stitchers to go town. New York state.

Address C. H. BRIDGE, Gouverneux, Y. WANTED- -Experienced operators on W. power machines, also young girls about 17 as beginners: steady work, good pas.

Miss CASEY. 68 Eliot st. my9 WANTED- -Young girls to work In silk tactory, 9 miles from Boston: steady work, good pay. Apply in person to Supt Newton Mills, Newton Upper Falls, Mass. dSutt Ja30 WANTED- Young lady 1n small private family, Nova Scotia, Protestant girl preferred.

Apply ot 583 Ar, suite 2. SoM WANTED. 3, Experienced reference. girl for D. M.

general COHEN. house. 55 Devon at. Roxbury. SuM WANTED- A middle-aged woman to help in kiteben.

room and board and $2.50 week. 332 Tremont st. WANTED Vamper on Union special 3-row machine. At RICE HUTCHINS. Inc.

Mainst Factors, Marlboro, Mass. dSu3t mne9 WANTED Experienced table girl and chaingirl. PORTER'S Hotel, 1990 Mass. aF, North Cambridge, WANTED -In a small family, a middle-aged capable Highland woman. av, good Cambridge, Wages: reference.

Apply 36 Mass. WANTED -Experienced waltress, pay $6 per week. 6 days' work a week. Apply at Rutland Cafe. 699 Tremont st.

WANTED -Experienced table girl. Apply at 7 Ashburton pl. waltress. no Sundar work, references. 16 Somerset st, city.

WANTED- Good smart dishwasher. wages $5 week. 215 Hanover st, 10 to 11: WANTED- 83 Girl for general boutsework. Apply at store, Hanco*ck st. Dor.

myll WANTED- Kitchen woman for noon work at 337 Congress st. WANTED -Bushel girl. Apply at 323 Columbus av. WANTED, -Middle-aged woman for kitchen Beach st. Boston.

WANTED Woman for kitchen, come ready for work. 11 Kneeland st. WANTED st: table Me girl, COHEN. and 1 second girl. At 22 Lagrange WANTED- expertenced waitress: short houre.

1020 Boylston st, city. WANTED-2 kitchen girls. 25 Borlston WANTED-2 table girls. 16 Kneeland st. YOU SAVE ONE-HALF by going to the Dental Institute.

174 Hanover at: no charge made except for materials used: full set of teeth 18 low as filling 40c up: DO students. SuM WFt! 100 HOUSEWORK, chamber, kitchen, hotel, restaurant help, plenty places. PARNELLS. 46 School st. McDOWELL DRESSMAKING SCHOOL.

DRESSCUTTING, and all parts of the trade scientifically taught by McDowell'8 perfect system, same as used by the leading dress. making establishments, makes rou an expert: free, free, 2 full weeks in dressmaking or ladies' tailoring to all who make application this week: our expert tenchers give thorough instruction in cutting. designing. making. finishing, in fact every part of the work is perfeetly taught; good positions secured: ease payments: no other trade 18 so useful or pays 30 well: open dally: night school Mon.

Wed. Fri evenings. 7 to 9: $2.50 starts you; patterns cut to measure: Paris and New York models exhibited: call or write for circulars. McDOWELL School. 25 Winter st.

Mtt my11 YACHTS, BOATS, ETC FOR SALE- -Knockabout 31 ft o. 21 ft W. 1., 8 ft beam. 3700 outside ballast. new sails.

Apply Essex st, Salem. Mass. my 10 STEAM YACHT 60x10 ft. compound engine. very fine boat, at half value.

PRATT. 111 Haverhill st. THE BOSTON power dory, all lengths and engines, installations, repairs. Jefries Point Mcb Shops, 209 Marginal st, E. Boston.

my 11 YACHTS. for sale and charter. all sizes and crices. MACCONNELL BROS. 53 State st.

Sudtt 8p26 SHOWCASES, DESKS, ETC DESKS, counters, refrigerators bought and sold. 75 Harrison av. URIOTS, myG OUR CASES are shows; also counters and wall cases. Eastern Show Case Co. 14 Friend st.

-Roll-top desks for cash or change for office furniture. SCALES. 77 Essex. MWF12t ap20 SAFES PRIVATE STEEL SAFE. guarded constantly by company day and night.

$10 per year. curity Safe Deposit Co. cor Federal and MIlk. dSutt 53 100 SECOND- SAFES makes, bargains for cash, catalog free. BLAKE, .57 Sudbury.

ThSSuMTif my? PATENTS (. S. GOODING. E. 28 School, Boston: the only office designing machinery; soliciting patents and conducting patent Aults: wend for De mublet.

Tel Main 5116. Sudtf STORAGE 500 BEST STORAGE ROOMS in city. $1.50 to $6 per month at People's Storage Warehouse, 124 Norfolk av: downtown office 185 Summe: st; estimates for moving and storage; tel. WF ap15 MONEY TO LOAN LET ME HELP YOU. 11 you hold a steady position 1 will supply you with money, WITHOUT SECURITY.

to be repaid by small Instalments: my terms are liberal and all my efforts are devoted to tecting and carrying my customers: Co not submit son to the Mana humiliating Investigation: may be sure of INVIOLATE SECRECY: personal property loans without publielty. Trustee. 7 Water st. room 409. ap3 'The I Undersigned Controls About $20.000.

to be Loaned at Once. IN LIBERAL AMOUNTS, at rates less than those charged by regular lenders, upon salaries, chattels. incomes or any legitimate outstanding loans taken up lowest rates, and employes given $15 to plain note: furniture loans mar repaid whenever borrower feels like it: absolute vacy guaranteed; apply immediately, MILE.S B. THOMAS, room 4. Herald bldg.

my 10 SALARIES Cidest Reliable Money Loaned on Anything, HUB LOAN CO. ANYTIME, Anywhere. 10 State St. 11 LOANS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. To employes We trust to on their notes NO DELAY sour bonor.

No advance charges. Interest till principal is paid. CITY LOAN CO, room 913. 7 Water st. my6 BORROW 0a woods horses, and furniture, carriages.

watches, pianos, leases paid, legal rates and immediate attention: 15 years in canse office ought to suggest reliability. E. M. KIMBALL. 63 Court st.

cor Cornhiil. SPOONER BRICOS ROOMS 7 and 5, 113. Devonshire st, LOANS to salaried people and those employed the day, hour or plece. on best terms obtainable: special Inducement for quick payments; confidential. dSutt Ja13 WORKINCMEN'S LOAN TION, Robert Treat Paine, 2d, freas.

Lends money at 1 percent per month, its invariable rate, Do borrower should pay more, Apply in person at No. 1 Beacon st. room 65. Sudtt ap23 DEXTER LOAN CO 47 Court st. rin 39, licensed office, legal rates, furniture, pianos, leases paid off: money advanced, estb 1800; tel 1890-3 Main; cut this out.

FS0MTWThtf 1yll Heirs Sell or Borrow UPON undivided real or personal estates, subJeet to dower or trust: confidential: rates the lowest. F. J. MeLAUGHLIN. 23 Court roots 218 and 219: tel 4319 Stain.

PRIVATE PARTY LOANS male or female employes, witbout security; strictly confidential. Box 2082. SALARIED people can borrow moner withont security for half the rates charged elsewhere. COLONIAL LOAS CO. 45 Milk st.

root 64. dSutt LIBERAL LOANS to employes and on furniture. MILES B. THOMAS: see ad above. my 10 to loan on furniture and pianos rates.

MARTIN, 181 Tremost st. for rears at 6 percent: security given. Address 397. Globe office. my 10 STEAMSHIP LINES DOMINION LINE Fast Serica New May 14 New England.

June May flower 21 Maydower June 18 Con wonwealth. June 4 Commonwealth. July 1st class, 880 upward; 24 class, 34 class at low sates. TO MEDITERRANEAN DIRECT GI RALTAR, GENOA, NAPLES. VANCOUVER, June 6, July 19.

Arg. 29. CAMPROMAN. June 20, Aug. Sept.

19. 1st class, $65 upward. 21 class, $30. Cotopany's office. 77 State Nodtf apt FAST TWIN CUNARD LINE ECREW STEAMERS Boston, Queenstown.

Liverpool, New. 14.280 tons, 600 feet long, fitted with Marconi's wireless agatem. Roots upper decks Perfeet ventilation. Saxonia sails May June 2. June 30.

Carpathla (new), second and third class only, sella May 16. Iverala June 16. Ultonia sails May third class only. A Cunarder froth New York every Saturday. Discount allowed on combined outward turn saloon fares.

Rates. sailings, plans. etc. apply ALEXANDER MARTIN, agent. 128 State Boston.

Sadtf TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF EUROPE Choice Berths in All Classes, and on ALL LINES. PATRICK M. DONAHOE 630 Washington Boston. M'Thtt 420 LEYLAND LINE follows: Steamers Boston-LIverpool Bohemian, May 23; Cestrian. June 6: June 13.

Only First Saloon passengers carried. F. 0. HOUGHTON Gen. Agents, 115 State Boston.

Tel. Main. SMTI 114 GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY Atlantic Transport. Canard, Dominion, AmerScan, Red Star. Holland-American, White Star and other first-class lines.

BOOK NOW and avoid disappointment. For rates and reliable Information apply to W. H. EAVES. Agent, 9 State st.

13 doors from Boston. Telephone 3956 Main. dSutf mb7 ANCHOR LINE. Steamship from New York, regularly, for GLASGOW via LONDONDERRY: drat saloon. $50 to $100; second saloon, $35 and up: third class.

$25 and up: drafts at lowest rates. HEN. DERSON BROTHERS. CHAS. DASEY.

8 Broad st, Board of Trade bide. dSutt my1 STEAMSHIP TICKETS. MERCHANTS MINERS LINE. Saranbeh line. Boston Philadelphia 88 Co, Eastern Steamship Co, and all coastwise and foreign steamers.

SIMMONS MASTERS, 26 School st. Boston; telephone 4759 Main. dutt spil AMERICAN LINE. SOUT SOUTHAMPTON-LONDON-PARIS Philadelphia May 13, St Paul May 20.: Red Star Line to Antwerp, Paris: Zeeland May 16. Finland May 23.

MAYNARD CHILD. Gen Agte, 89 State st. Tel Main 2045. mb1 TYPEWRITERS, ETC TYPEWRITERS SI WEEKLY. PAY $1 DOWN, $1 weekly ADd chine, new machines $50 cash.

all makes sec- ond-hand; Remingtons $20 up. rentals 30c. up. A-One Typewriter Exchange, 67 st. dRutf 123 RENT all the or standard.

bigh-grade payments. Repairing. PHON $4 monthir. Phone Main 364. SELL CO, st.

Sodif mh29 DENSMORE TYPEWRITERS reated. cents per week: rent allowed toward the purchase price. CUTTER-TOWER Co, 234 onshire st; telephoce Main 2423, Boston, Mass. dS07t FOR SALE--Am obliged to sell my Smith typewriter; hard up. 836, Globe office.

4506t my9 THE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE -Sell all makes, rebullt machines specialty, teed. rentals $3, ribbons and instruction book. Telephone 166 Main. 38 Bromfleld st. MW WE HAVE a large number of typewriters of all makes which we have taken in trade.

etc, which we desire to turn into cash: will at low figures, in good condition. Typewriter Agency. 608 Wash. my 10 SEWING MACHINES $60 Singer, warranted good as new. 14 Warren st, Itox, near -st elev sta.

my 11 GREATEST VALUES in any grade or kind new drophead's $13.15 to 8470: new machine rented: repaling guaranteed. Standani ing Machine Co. 173 Trement st. Sadtf Ja1S LADY wall sell improved Singer. 11 ments, also fine tote Hallet Devis plano, $25.

12 Columbia st. Cambridge. $60 SINGER sewing machine. in perfect der. $3.

62 Alpine st, Roxbury. BILLIARDS AND POOL C. JEWELL SON. 3 Tremont Billiard. pool and combination table makers.

bargains In second-hand tables, easy payments, billfard supplies and repairing at lowest priors. WE RENT billiard and pool tables with flege of buying: cheap tar fixtures. The wick- Co, 66 Washington Itorton. Mass. 35 POOL and combination tables.

liberal terms. OLIVER L. BRIGGS SON. 61 Essex st mio (BALLOU 1022 Boriston st. cor St Cecilia: for Harvard.

Tech, etc: certificate admits to Tafts med and dental schools; even- laboratories, business, drawing: day and Ing: gew students admitted now, monthly tultion. Tel 1962-2 Back Bay. mbur SHORTHAND, typewriting, bookkeeping etc. day or evening, none too old to learn: call or send for circular; open in summer. Boston Com merelal College, 15 Boriston SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ETC SUMMER PREPARATORY SCHOOL WALL PAPERS AT SHAWMUT AV.

LEVIN 00. paper room $1.75, painting $1.23, Inc 35e: tel 1077-7 Tremont or send postal. my 10 AT 76 Merrimae RODMAN: $1.15: painted, white washing. Hay. Sad6to my 10 The Call at wareroom vorite selections.

Circulating free. Rodri Pianos to Rent For the lowest rates is Boston. WOOD PIANO 180 Tremont St. nylo WOOD PIANO co. FISCHER UPRIGHT.

our price $150; all makes to seat: prices. nadit BLAKE'S Lowest in Boston. 17 CENTS A DAY will right at Blake's: all sales arlent sprights, $75 $430: 510 to 43 to $50. 576 liched Stiller. walout bat will 8130: $100 Dew PR $5 motily.

RENT A PIANO. toward $10. $12. $15 Ing cartage: squats, and BLAKE Bay Rent Plate WOOD PIANO CO 180 Tremont street Modat my10 WOOD PIANO CO. HARDMAN PIANO.

$180; write us today for full list of bargains. Sodit WOOD PIANO CO. WE MAKE A of for the sammer: all makes select prices are the lowest Boston. Sadit WOOD PIANO CO. BEST to rest nigh grade piano: see Chickering, Steinway.

Miller. Ivers Fischer write as for bargain list: it (F10 WOOD PIANO CO. HANDSOME mahogany little used. 8125. Salit myle WOOD PIANO CO.

IVERS POND. tabro in trade, cost $450, beautifal cate. $180 today: fell bargain list on tion; write as today. Sodit myl0 WOOD PIANO CO. GENUINE Hallet best style right.

Boston family paid $430 for we hare for or fault and fer it for $150: today. Sodft ay10 WOOD PIANO CO. HALLET DAVIS UPRIGHT, new $450, price planos for the 610 and $12. Rolft my10 MUSIC BANJO, mandolin. 10 lasts for sale.

15 Common at: Prof MARTIN. PIANOS tuned and regulated Prof BER RY. 312 Dudley Me Phall and Emerson: 17 PIANO TEACHER. cratie man. 30c: drat 10 Glob office.

botel. WANTED Address A The young Odell, lady Franklin, WINES, LIQUORS, ETC TREMONT WINE STORE 431 TREMONT ST. Per Bottle Hunter Baltimore Rye 65e. Wilson Mt. Pare XXXX H.

A. Tom John De Lawrence's Medford Colony The brands. 5 to 8 to the distilleries, with stamp over the Deck ver bottle. purity Rye 014 Charter Anderson Whiskey. 60e.

Pints Box 50 Imported Breras 1.50 Telephone 896 FINE OLD WHISKEY. XXX gallon. 81.00 qt. There are many XXXX It or at in Purity, Maturity, Body and And 1: equal. JOHN HENAN 4 OLD ENTUCKY BOURBON and rye whisky and rum.

$1.40 per callen: all far GEORGE SENETCHI A c0, 142 and 164 Blackstobe at FOR SALE 2,000,000 OLD HARD BRICK FOR SALE CHEAP IN LOTS TO SUIT. A. A. ELSTON CO. Buildings Torn Down.

166 Devonshire BOSTON. Sufft my10 SALOON COMPLETE $150 and easy payments; catalogues ca The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, 86 Washington st. Boston. Mass. Sodit SECOND-HAND as new, for sale at Glotie FOR belek.

2000 nine. and other cut stone sale, of lunatic asylum SON co. L. st. South Besten.

dRett HOWORTII'S TABLEAUX of 45 tifmi scenes of Ireland. 4 Intes THEIRS for living pictures, and JOHN HOWONTH. 139 Lebanon for sale SODA FOUNTAINregister, abowcases. 20 Wiget Salems 10 PROPOSALS CITY OF BOSTONCommissioners Boston Invite proposals for doing other the CLINCH SCHOOL. Seventh South Boston, Mare.

inc bond a surety company $30 also for building and giving obtained Boglaton left before May 193. said check for to posal is will abs give rate STURGIS, JOHN IL COLBY. FREDERIC O. PIPE SEWERS 1900. City building Wands work feet Copies of to poposals talned at Bond Hail.

posale 1906. publicly reverse right to LIAM ISAAC. of Quincy. WEN MEETINGS Boston Catholie Cemetery Association THE the bets of the will at association tall. 2574 Wastington peslay evenine.

May 190. elect sis directors. Her under, ANDREW P. Mel WILLIAN H. See's.

may to CLOTHING clothing ted of all also carpets and furnitare: send I will call and pay 3. 0. DEES $15. Globe DRESSMAKING. LADIES' HATS del, Bracted and MEDICAL Atthe Head OF HIS Profession of Diagnosing, Treating and Curing Every Weakness and Disease of Men is Dr.

Lougest With His Celebrated Medical Experts. Ment don't miter any longer or waste your and money with wasting and writ and when you ora have the opinion. knowledge, experienne and eletti of trined inaded by the weld Dr. Longest, who with nil exactly your trolle, the time it will tike and back tile statutte with Absolate Certainty Dr. Lougest with tee of tibe most medical fane Tile The weld tee never the mine of those maland pimples out.

nurnd original and Blood bladder and blood cured the time, without one of mereury fran Dr. triment unnatural de modern hee Bet alone Dr. the three Metbed detention or the use of abundous or tojorious Experiment! No Pallure! the de carpre and of turn are of many Consulation Free either Dr. Lougest's ether. Erne czandasif mended: with the Light, if 05- ale to mill, for for Men Only." is the enty and 91 of Call or write at for treatment ate Physicians having attor are to consult.

with every a cute M. to 9 P. M. Sundays Included. DR.

LOUGEST 313 COLUMBUS BOSTON. AVE. 313 NEAR BACK BAY 54 Years at the Same Place. OLD Dr. Hallock CURES DISEASES OF MEN all others fell, every form and rate ad end whee the Balond ins en ate fane, Watery pains in the Bund and Bones.

Sore and yearly our annette a golume and victims Prie vately Cared, ad the discharge to as the met before the sun. Blind Cared Without If to cell send for and neund Dr. Malind'e museum every acme entreate attire, riven te cure curetile for a stipulated pay abile is able. OLD DR. HALLOCK'S ELECTRIC PILLS a positive cure for nervous and gipele cal 51 per Sis totes, full neut analed on of prion, HALLOCK MEDICAL INSTITUTE 110 Court Eoston, Mask.

Office dally, 9 to Sunfa*gs, 30 te 1 mot To Cure Private Disease, $2 free. written Call Why Hours, or pay 8 de more to 7: or Sunders, Consul in wait 2 8 to 16 6 Warren office, D. graduate Harvard DR. EMMONS OFFICE. 1704 TREMONT sportalist do disease.

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The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.