THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15, 3 MISCELLANY. CHINKS WITH THE ARMY. Despito much that lias been wif-on Vi Princes Plate the only lasting substitute for Sterling Silver CURIOUS. CUNNING, BUT CLEVER.
The former head of a department in a well-known Manchester warehouse, now a unit in a Labour Company in France, writing of the Chinese who work under him, says The first time I saw the "Chinks" out here 3 ondered how the men in charge distinguished one man from another, but now I have dealings with them I wonder no longer. There are few faces so similar that each man known oannot be picked out. Then the' variety of dress worn is a guide. The degree of cleanliness, the characteristics or the tone of voice, are deciding factors. But we find it safer to take their numbers.
The first morning I tried my hand with them I learned they got no chow chow," which means food, but go plenty work." The second meriting I knew they got about twice as much chow chow as our men, with the same or less work. Then, gradually, I bumped against their cunning. We were told at the school that the Chinaman is cunning, and I must admit the information has turnod out to be true so far as rurltisn Official The British in Cambrai: A kinema theatre previously used by contrary, all authority is on the side of the view hat the conclusion of a general armistice is a matter for the Governments themselves and not for the generalissimo. Marshal Foch and the other commanders will no doubt have the largest voice in deciding whether an armistice is expeaient or nor, and, if so, in settling the rtetaus, oui tne principle is the business of the political chiefs. The latest edition of the British War Office's own "Manual of Military Law says Since a general armis-tice is of vital political importance, only the bel.
liferent Governments themselves, or their commanders-in-chief, are competent to agree upon it, and ratification is always necessary. Should an armistice which has been agreed upon by a commander-in-chief r.ot find ratification on the part of his Government, hostilities can, after due notice to tl.e enemy, at ence be resumed without breach of faith." The authority of this passage is added to by the fact that in a footnote the War Office, or their editors, frankly admit that a different opinion expressed in a previous edition is no longer tenable. Many conditions of a general armistice, or rather of a capitulation, which, in the strict usage of military law, most of them imply, were suggested in yesterday's papers. But, whatever may be admitted or rejected, it is quite certain that the Germans will not be allowed to retreat with the honours of war." They were known in a more chivalrous age when, as Charles Eeade says, war sang and painted divinely, and the full ritual is still dear to the heart of the professional warrior. According to a very recent manual published by the authority of the War Office itself, the honours of wax include the right to march with colours displayed, drums beating, bayonets fixed, and swords drawn." They were awarded so recently as the Franco-German War, when a sullen foe gave the garrison of Belfort, under Colonel Denfort-Rochereau, who after a gallant defence, surrendered only under express instructions from the French Government, perhaps the finest certificate the vanquished has ever received.
"In recognition of their brave defence," Teads the extract in the Official Account of the Franco-German War," the garrison are allowed free withdrawal with the honours of war. They will take away the eagles, colours, arms, horses, carriages, and the military telegraph apparatus, as also the baggage of the officers and kits of the men and the archives of the fortress." Even kings who abdicate by their own choice are not always allowed to enjoy the freedom from the burdens of government. Philip the founder of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain, is an excellent example of this. He was a nervous hypochondriao who was much tormented by religious scruples, and he found life as king of Spain intolerable. In the forty -first year of his age and the twenty-fourth of his reign, in order to look after "the affairs of his eouI," he resigned the crown of Spain and the Indies in favour of his eldest son, Don Luis, who was at that time only sixteen years of age.
But the peace that King Philip had hoped for lasted barely seven months. The young King was attacked by the smallpox, and died at the end of that period. Before his death, however, TO BE LET. Furnished Houses and Holiday Apartments. COUNTRY HOUSE, on Mils, rear Broadbottom and Marple.
Well Furnished, TO BE LIC'J, for on-j nivntti, or longer period. Particulars from HUGHES Ic auctioneer, 3. Clarence Street, Alljert ifALLOWFlELD. Well-furnlslifd Semi-del ached HOUSE TO BE LET, for six months: two sitting, five bed every convenience: tlectric light: telephone. 133.
rf-IOOD HOUSE, furnished, near Stockport: 2 5 bed, VT kitchens, and usual offices: moderate terms. I. 290. delightfully situated: every convenience: low rent: winter. 115.
KHO-ON-SK. AN1 DISTRICT. Furnished ilOUSKS an APARTMENTS TO BE LET. Unfurnished HOUSKS FOB SALE. Send for fre? list to H.
BERTH JONT33 and EASTEWELL, architects and estate agents, Rrtoe-on-Sea. SOUTH POUT. Lady going into Rooms Wants Lady to S'are. Apply particular', 4 to 6. 114, Piatt Lane.
TO BE LET, WaU-furntshed HOUSE: everv convenience: live minutes sea and station. Apply 5, Cambridge Road, An-'deil. fiisT KTRBY: nicely furnished two bedrooms, one laryo biutn-rcom. a-u conevnienoes oeaumui tion: top fiat: very healthy: convenient to Liverpool or Manchester. Address 62, Mc Guardian." Wanted.
17URN1SIIED or Unfurnished House, with nice garden, Wanted. Address 266. Mc Guardian." IpURNISHED Houfo. small. Wanted, for six months: married couple and baby nine months: 20s.
to 30s-weekly: asy reach of Mancho.t?r: no linen vr silver re-iiuirnl: exceptionally careful tenant: references given. 166 OFFICER Wants comfortably House, middle of Novemh-r: Hieher BlaoMev. Middleton. or Rhodes. 140 OUTlirORT.
Wanted, for six months, Small Modern Woll-fu nWiid Houce: careful tenant. 294, "Mc Guar-1." small Furnished House: preferably Hr. Brougn- i'n or wnnin eay reacn or Trarr. ram. ivl ANTED, foe lady and maid, small, vvell-furnlshrd House, Kiuih Manchester: near tram or train.
246. Dwelling: Houses. CHESHIRE List of Residences to be Let or Sold s'nt post free by Brown and Co. (Chester), Chester. -VTEAll MACCLKSFIBLD.
TO BE LET, or SOLD, Modern -11 Country RESIDENCE, surrounded by well shrubbed timbered gardens and lands, containing large hall with fireplace, three tpaclous rec pt ion-rooms, the usual offices, ami t-ii KM and dresing rooms: central heating: telephone: stah'lng for four, garage, glasshouses, ic. small compact, farmery and 20 of rich land if required. Address 'i 86, Mio Guardian." TO BE LET. PINE WOOD. Broad Road, Bale: 3 6 bed: 60- Mylrea, Priory Mount, Broad Road.
rpO BE LET, or SOLD. OUSEL NEST. Bromley Cross, J. near Bolton, containing hall, dra.ving-room, liining-room, billiard-room, six principal bedrooms, day and night nursery, bathroom, kitchen, and the usual offices: coachhouse, stables, and garage: excellent flower and kitchen gardens. The hous; is within a few minutes' walk of Bromley Cros.
station (Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway). Apply to WIN" PER Ic HOLDEN, solicitors, 20, Mawdslcy Street, Bolton. Wanted. A DVERTISFR v'shes to Purchase sound Property, either XI sinv'v or blx-ks: state full particulars. K.
Kj5. Bl'Y cr Rent, Modern House: Brooklands, Sale, Stretford, Alexandra Park: 4 or 5 bedrooms; electric Address 281, Mc Guardian." HOUGHTON Part Distriot. Wanted. Modern House, fur-ni-hod or unfurnieh-d: 2 reception, 4 bed rooms: t.t-G'.ric ignt: state full particulars. 182, "Mc Guard." in Ashley district, detached House, with six garden: rent or purchase.
120. WANTED, House, about 30. between now and March: Marple. Mel'or. or Haiel Grove district.
186. WANTED to Bent, with option of purchase, convenient House: 4 or 5 bedrooms: Macclesfield, Prestbury, Arlington, Poynton, or Alderley district: within easy of railway service. Address 24, "Mc Guardian." WANTED. to or BuJ'' rjetacne! Residence, wituin easv distance of Manchester: 3 entertaining-rooms, 7 or bedrooms: garage and large garden preferred. Reply to 1., Steelworks.
Victoria Street, Openfhaw, Manchester. "WANTED to Purchase Small Detached House with about two acr of land, part orchard; about one tri distant nandforth. Bramhall, Cheadle Hulme stations. 109, "Mc Guardian." Shops, Offices, TWO OFFICES, newly decorated: first floor: near Exchange. MARSHALL.
GIBRON. Jfc Barton Arcade. small, nicely furnished OFFICES: open posiUon. near Royal Exchange: electric i gni, oo Inns, Public Houses, Breweries, Warehouses. rpo IPPERS.
Modern SUITES OFFICES and WARE-ROOMS. MANCHESTER cF.I-,,.At11'1 VUIKHOUSES. 74. Friaem gVi? mmfwdl-TtrrRVFTf vvnvrr- So 22. TO BE LET.
FOUK wen-r lighted UPPFB' ROOMS 1 of Warehouse. Apply Laban Mercer. sM SU or Appleby and Wood, Pe.nqrate Arcade. Premises and Land. Bank, Manchester.
Farms i to B.E LET: Ideal district, nr. Man-ActaSE ndtbuildins: 59 res xich pnl: ingoing by valuation, with possession. H. CLAYTON. 62, Market Street, Manchester.
Miscellaneous. POUR Laxe AT.CHES the fc-gjij Hunt's Bank, Mainchesttr. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Engines, Machinery, Tools, Capital Selection JSBjJ'JBM ys in toek at T. JJSSSJtH8 atock.
Apply C. and D.C. EfcEOTWO OJOfSoSx street, Bury. Bury Electrical 23-t JhrtoeVeV and A second-naad. Sppiy 5- O'BBJJSN COMPAQ.
Miv street. Manchester. ta y. A LTERNATOBS, 220 Tolts, 60 Vothtri d. DRILLING MACHINES, AS ENGINE (Gorton).
25 up to 24n- "HEWING MACHINE, gas m2.Sfib?s Hearth. and BUFFING Ovwhwd CROSS-CUT SAW, HANDSAW. Jjamce. JJg Paper GUILLOTINE, rdeVtals. HYDRO EXTRACTOR, 221n.
0. 11. JONES, 74, BlcIr Boad, 3iwa. ITTLLY-LTCENSED HOUSE. Tenancy (preferred) or Man-? mfnt of really Cod house Egg fto-date coupte.
experienced in vry busy trade. Address FuU-Hcensed OT TeSB-lJ7 would purchase furniture, it reqnlred. 268. OBTAIN YOUR SPOONS, FORKS AND HOUSEHOLD PLATE FROM THE ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS pRINCE'S PLATE is manufactured at the Company's own Sheffield Works and is sold at manufacturers' prices. A fully Illustrated Catalogue of PRINCE'S PLATE Table Outfits and Household Plate post free.
MAPPIN WEBB London Showrooms: LTD. 158-162. Oxford W.l. 172, Regent W.l. 2.
Queen Victoria Street. E.C. 4. PRINCE'S PLATE is only obtainable it Mippin 6r WebbXtd The only helping hand in Russia to-day is that of the Society of Friends' War Victims llelipf Committee, which has continued there through all the troubles of the Revolution. Two workers, Theodore Bigg and Esther White, are maintaining starving children from Moscow in country colonies where food can be procured.
E. St. John Cathpool is arranging with the Soviet authorities to bring flour up the Volga for starving children in the city. Other men and women ure giving food and regular employment nd conducting a monastrv as a home for children and aged refugees in the Samara Government, where we have worked on the Steppe for nearly three years. They will all need more money as soon as it can be despatched.
At present they are supplied. Bolsheviki and Chocko-SIovaki alike help us. Will you? Donations to A. RUTH FRY, 91, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 2.
Over four hundred of our men and women workers are now engaged in relief and reconstruction work? in France and amongst Belgians interned in Holland. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Miscellaneous. IN STOCK quantity of All-black ACETYLENE HEAD LAMPS and GENERATORS, buitable for heavy cars or commercial vehicles: best English make and finish: 'also quantity of 12 volt. KLAXON HORNS, all brass.
Address 48. "Mv'c GuaTtfian." TT'OS SALE, in Bales of 200, 5,000 Pure SHETLAND JD WOOL MEN'S VESTS, rejects, in perfect condition: 5,000 ditto Men's Pants, at 10s. 6d. per garment: samples forwarded on receipt of cash. MERCHANDISE.
26, Atherton Street, Liverpool. FRENCH CONVENT HAND-MADE LINGERIE cheaper than machine-made garments: trosseaux and layettes; camlvles, 4c. from. 3s. send three stamps for catalogue.
CAROLINE, 24, New Bond London. W. 1. WHEELS for LIGHTERS, very hard, 33s. gross: Tinder Lgliteis 23s.
doz. A. E. Bird, 513. Central Markets, Farringdon Read, E.C.
1. CHAUFFEURS' Livery Coats and Caps on Sale- suitable for men and wonuu: grey, green, fawn, blue, all iies: new cheap. Taylor. 941O0. York HeywoorL GENTLEMAN'S BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE second! band, full slEe, noted makers, solid mahogany- excellent condifon, good as new.
Address 50, Mc Guard Firewood. firewood: firfwoot MAKE SURE OF YOUR SUPPLY. WE HAVE IN STOCK 500 TONS NEW SOFT WOOD ALBERT TRAVIS. FAIRFIELD STREET, 4.NCHESTEH 'Phone City 5920. NEW SETTS, 300 Tons, 1 per ton; 30O Tons Engine Bed Stones, 1 per ton.
HINDLEY, Victoria Buildings. QOAP. superior hard household, 696 cut, carriaKo uJU SOUTHERN, drvsalters. 11. Bothwell twt G1j TVTATIONAL TIME RECORDERS, for all trades and ntir-JLl poses: uncheatable, reliable write for catalogues: repairs to all makes of machines.
JAMES TRACY 4 33 Brldee Street. Manchester. 'Phone 6224 Central. SIX TONS of PAPER FOR SALE, quad royal prlntlne 801b: tamples 3d. 81, "Mc Guardian." HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES.
A NSDELL. OASTLEMEIVE, Clifton Drive. S. aspect: mod terms. Apply Managcrest.
TJLACKPOOL. THE rrlvat Hotel. Princess farad-. V. Thon" LACKPOOL.
PARK HOUSE, Cfaremont Park (adjoining Imperial Hydro), farinethe soa. Best, most modem Residential Boarding-house. Billiard and Smoke Rooms. Near Golf Links. Apply Manageress.
Telephone B2 13 LACKPOOL. The RUTLAND Private s- HUSB heated. Billiards. Tel. 677.
Mrs. F. W. WOLLASTON. Proprietress.
"Dlackpool. Granville House, Tyldesley Tei Prom Board. 6'- per day. Tel. 760.
Stp. Illus. Sec. "DLACKPOO L. PALATINE HOTEL, -a Fresh and sea water baths.
Recrpatlon-room. Mod. terms. Tariff. P.
A. SPENCER. Manager. Tel. 858 (2 lines).
"ODXTON. HADDON HALL HYDRO. Jt- Special rates for famllt.s. 'Phon- 4. BUXTON THE CLARENDON.
Good position. Most comfortable. Near Gardens. N.T. 3.
CIOLWYN BAY. PWLLYCROCHAN HOTEL. First-class Family. Electric light and lift. Garage (separate lock-ups).
Near Golf Links (18 holes). "Pwllycrochan." Tel. 13. COLWYN BAY HOTEL. Delightfully situated, overlooking Bay.
Telephone No. 9 Colwyn Bay COLWYN Bay. Heaton Moor Private Hotel Prince Drive. Tel. 290.
Telegrams, "Heaton Moor" rorritom. Mrs. ABCHD. J. JONE8 and Miss D.
280 Acres Farm, Gardens. Home-grown Produce. Send (or Illustrated Tariff 25. Telegrams. Oakwood." Oonway." iE A CASTLE HOTEL.
Tlenhonw Peranwy 198. RANGE-over-Sands BERNERS CLOSE, I on sea front. Lovely garden. Board 6s. day.
Pins, book: "LKLEY. SPA HYDROHOTEL. Tel. 148. Write for Tarl.ff.
Manager. TF LANDUDNO. The HYDRO, Neville M-A Crescent, 160 Room. Excellent Cuisine. Knart Tables Turkish, Busslan, and Sea-water.
Baths. Garage free. Telegrams, Telephone, 0268. imn appiy manageress. LLANDUDNO.
ST. GEORGE'S HOTEL First Class. -Premier Position. Covered Balcony, facing sea LANDUDNO. CRAIGSIDE HYDRO.
JLi An Ideal Holiday Resort. ftARR'S WOOD, ladies and gentlemen. Didsbury. Residential, Garage. Tel.
1.012. Didsbury. HOS-ON-SEA. Residential Club: eolf. tennis, hockey, billiards, bridge iT.
ANNES-ON-SEA. GRAND HOTEL tracing rromensas Station, 'i elepnone No. i (facing Promenade). Close to Golf Links. Her.
and Tariff MIssK. HOLLOW AY. ST- wwuuu it mm. irom open-ir pains, excel, cnisine. appn riJOUTHPORT.
KENWORTHY'S HYDRO yj nearest street ratlents or visitor. Terms. Ac Manners. or lr- K'nworthr. 'Pnom-vni.
Tel. K.enrorthvV'' SOUTHPORT. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Prom. FaclngSea. Dally Tariff from 10s.
6d. Teleobooe' 1404 (two lineal. CMHJTHPORT. SCARISBRICK HOTEL, Stand y-r Pier Stations. Apply for taMarrer7TeL97a 0 in the Autunua- aadlnthe Hyto gronhds, wMcb? on 1 the cUffs 'bright." cbwry' eonrnaay edntbisat "ertcrtalnment Danjeatu-CinaiBato tnyu.
ojv ueuiuums. matte i vi tann to WIU llnf taiW to a-or Every DescriDtloa. AUU9. ASrilK- 1U. lAOft.
'l'alMmm "DmVU my own observation goes to prove it. Our "Chink" will move about with a perky, rolling gait that brings to your mind the muscle uuuiiu. xui. ne win sioop wnn iigmmng Tapidity to pick up an article from the ground and have it hidden in a place of safetv while we i would be still half-way in our bend to "pick i'p. i nae siooa iront oi two L-nmks, squatting on their haunches talking and smoking be-hind a stack of "slabs," for about three minutes, and they have acted as if I were invisible, or like a well-bred English couple putting into operation the cut direct." When I have sloken the cigarettes have been hastily put out, while they have jumped up with startled expressions of having been just caught.
We may with a party of twenty men and finish up with fifteen or ten. and it would be utterly impossible to give an account of how the missing men got away or where they went. We hear many yarns about them from their N.C.O-'s, but very interesting we find our own experiences. We were told not to speak to them while they work, but the order is almost impossible to obey. One finds them so childish and simple in some ways, and their questions are so quaintly expressed, that to ignore them is to starve your sense of humour One Chink," new to our district, came to me, and stamping his foot on the ground muttered something in his jargon that was quite beyond me, and I had to reply No savvy." He looked at me in a compassionate manner, and went away to carry another sheet of iron.
He came back then, "and repeating the stamping exercise, said "France in (France or Germany). I assured him he was on French soil. He smiled all over, and went away muttering "You savvy i yon savvy." Another came up to me once and said Cpl (I am not a corporal) I gave him my attention, and counting off with his fingers lie gave me the names of the three towns they had been to, and then pointed to the earth. I told him whor* he was, and for the rest of the afternoon he walked about repeating the name to himself. liven now he cannot pronounce it anywhere near to the point of being intelligible.
Our Chink wants to know which is German stuff and which is not. If he sees an article strange to him he will ask if it is German. A bogie, a steel bonnet, a spade, a rifle, any stray thing, in fact almost all things he handles excite his curiosity. He will want to know all about your personal belongings, if they come into view. The Chink can work, tool Give him a task job, and you can pick up many hints upon methods of off-loading and carrying.
I have been doing manual work for eighteen months, and regret that I did not meet the Chinks wlipn ramp -for ivnulrl lia- luun tann-lit how to handle weight with the least possible ioss ot energy, uur LaDour jn.l.u. would do well if they studied Chink" methods. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Motor Cars and Cycles.
Wanted. WANTED Modern Motor-cars. Messrs. Ware and De Fre-vllle, automobile agents, are desirous of purchasing immediately for cash Landaulettes, Touring Cars, Two-seaters, or Couies, not earlier than 1913: anyone wishing to sell a car is invited to send complete details and lowest cash price: inspections speedily arranged. 6, Great Marlborough Street.
Oxford Circus, London, W. 1. Motor Vans, Lurries, and Waggons. FOR SALE, Old-type 3 to 4 Ton KABRIER WAGGON: not working: tyres in good condition: can be seen by appointment. Apply JAMES HOYLE.
Acta-Mill. I Hebden Bridge. liOR SALE, 5-ton STEAM WAGGON. Address 293, "Mc Guardian." GAS BAG, with Tray, Ford sixe: unused: bargain 10- 210, Kfkrlck Street, Bolton. OOKERS, OFFER J- G.M.C.
One-Ton CHASSIS, complete with lighting set. NAPIER, Worm-drive CHASSIS: steel wheels: solids. STAR Two-Ton LORRY, with cab, complete. FORD CHASSIS, complete. FORl CHASSIS, with new Baico one-ton attachment.
HARDMAN STREET. DEANSGATE. 6688 Central. ALLEY MOTOB WAGGONS. Orders should now be placed for post-war delivery.
4. WHITWORTH STREET WEST. MANCHESTER. DC-TON Garner LURRY, latest model, in excellent condition throughout: complete with first-class lurry body with cab front and ladder, WM. ARNOLD, Upper Brook Street.
THREE-TON HALLEY LORRY, No. 602A: price 675. Three-ton HALLEY IXMtRY, No. 623: price 675. Five-ton HALLEY LORRY, No.
863: p-'ce 785. Two-Two and a half-ton DENNIS CHASSIS, only: price 525- Two-ton GUY LORRY: price 600. All in sound running order. RED GARAGE, Llandudno. 'Phone 56.
TWO FODEN 5-ton WAGGONS, on rubber tyres; and One Fodcn 3-ton Waggon, on rubber tyres, recently fitted, with new firebox and thorough'? overhauled by makers. Address 70, Mc Guardian." Wanted. WANTED, Four-ton Petrol Lorries and Five-ton Steam Waegons: 4 day: important Government work: long job. SMITH, 7. Telegraph Buildings, Sheffield.
WANTED, 5-Ton Steam Waggon on rubber tyres: most be in good condition. 292. Mc Guardian." Horses, Carriages, Harness, and Dogs. T7X)R SALE, a Splendid FURNITURE VAN: 30 or near JC offer: can be seen in East Lancashire district. Address 39.
"Mc Guardian." Musical Instruments. RAMER'S (High Grade) BABY GRAND, size Iron frame, overstrung, rosewooa. uark. uatuenral Yard. OR SALE, Handsome Short Grand PIANO, by Hopkin- son: overstrung, ac.
price aiizu. MUX. Wanted. SMITH'S PIANOS. 73, 75.
77. OXFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER. Owing to the scarcltv of Pianos we are open to Buy Pianos, Baby Grands, Player Pianos for cash. If any of our customers, knowing of a Piano for disposal, wail send us the name and address of the owner, we shall be quits willing to give 10s.
to the person giving the Information in every case where the Piano is bought by us. WANTED, good American Organ, with mirror top: stat price. Address 118, "Mc Guardian." Furniture. FXTRNITURE. TEN BEDROOM SUITES, Mahogany, Sheraton, Oak, and Walnut; Eight Excellent Sideboards and other Items.
WHITE, 179, Wilmslow Road, Rusholme. ONE Old Finely Carved Large French WARDROBE, ln pollard cak and mahogany; hand-made: a piece of unique beauty: with two hanging cupboards, four sliding trays, and four drawers underneath: the protruding centre has a 6ft. mirror and the wardrobe is ln excellent condition: price 65 guineas. Address 235, "Mc Guard'-an." Wanted. PRIVATE Gentleman, Just married, would like to Pur-chaee Good Housj of Furniture for cash: mult be reasonable.
Address 199, "Mc Guardian." Miscellaneous. BARLOCK TYPEWRITER (New Model) FOB SALE. Address 77. Mc Guardian." ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES: large stocks. MASS ELS', Tasle Alley, Albeit Square.
-70R SALE. FOUR Exceptionally Good Horse-drawn Jj BARGES, capable of carrying 20-30 tons of coal: recently overhauled and repainted: can be seen by appointment near Manchester. Apply Quality Coal Company, BWaAGs'" clean and sound, 24jn. quantity run SALE. Address 193, "Mc ABOUT 4 Tons Short Ends of BAYWOOD and SPANISH MAHOGANY.
Apply HABBY FAIBCLOUGH, Howley, Warrington. SALE, at Spens Farm, Low Bent ham, the following TREES: 34 Oak, 61 Beech, 6 fine-grown Pine, 3 Plane, lO Birch, 12 Spruce, 5 Ash, 40 Scotch Firs; 2 Elms. Also at Hill Farm, Low Bentham: 57 Oak, 81 Beech, 31 Ash, 12 Scotch Sirs, 6 Sycamores. Tenants' will show the same and give all information. Tenders will close on October 24.
1918. wmfAM Street Shed. Bnrnlrr. -ROM 10 to xw necea xuuan xtiaiaw, oin. Aaoreea BOUT of" WHITE FENTS: offer wanted.
XV Aooress M. ixu, Jac uuaraian." GREYS, l.OOOni., suitable maker-op or Addreas 141. "Mc Guardian." 1SVE HUNDRED CAUSTIC DRUMS, SO to 80 gallons. Si KAYLEY, Qneen Street; Ardwlek. FIXING CABINETS, vertical, four drawer, polished oak: good value: immediate delivery: seen dry.
265. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt and Second-hand Sold: all maker skilfully repaired: depot for Corona. Holland, 49. New Bailey Street. 'Phone City 497.
LIGHTING PLANT aeariy new (Lyndes Loco "OT Englnec-lrcnx Cheshire mansion: lights 14 rooms: cost approx. 65pre-war; also Fittings, which" were addltlonali -th lot or test offer: view by appointment. Address 230, Me Guardian." TAPANESE MARROWFAT PEAS, best- Quality, 78f. par bag free: cash. Eastbank fitzest.
SouthpoTt, Telephone. 771. BACON BOXES (500) FOR SALK. Appry WBIGHT and GREEN, 7, Dantaic Shudehlu. EDZELL BLUE SEED POTATOES: Terr disease-' resisting: prorUgious cropper: 71b.
for 141b. 5a. carnage paiot- caen. cuair ewn---QOTuport. TJAPEB-Large Quantity of TTFEWBITEB FOB JL uAT.T!.
duu: auarto and j-fooiacaD ErXM. Sli. SEVERAL First-grade Visible TYFEWBrTERS. In new n- nmuHtlon. WR SALE: bv arjoointmeirtJ' 21S.
FOB SALE, 8.O0O Empty CRATES outside measurements, 3ft. 2iin. 2ft. 2iin- x-20. offers delivery week'y during.
October, -March: samples can be seen at 8-18. Banastre Street, Liverpool. 67. i BARLOCK TYPEWRITER FOB SALE: new modal. AddreasiO 42.
"Jto Guardian;" x- TYPEWRITER, No. 3 OUver: visible in good working order: best i 63, fiUlc' Guardian." the German troops. LABOUR AND IKELAXD. MOTIVE BEHIND CONSCRIPTION. The following resolution has been passed at a meeting of the National Council of the Independent Labour party: This meeting of the National Administrative Council of the Independent Labour parti-views with grave apprehension the present situation in Ireland arising out of the preparations of the Government to enforce conscription.
It reaffirms its previous declaration against the imposition of conscription in Ireland, and reminds the British workers 1. That the Irish people regard themselves as a separate nationality denied the right of self-determination, therefore any attempt to force conscription on them would be another crime inflicted by a dominant military Power upon a subject Power, and would inevitably result in serious bloodshed. "2. That to enforce conscription without simultaneously granting Home Rule would be a gross violation of the solemn pledgcb given by the British Government. "3.
That there can be no present military- in conscribing unwilling Irishmen, as it would divert British troops to Ireland in larger numbers than at present. 4. That the motive for this mad attempt is rather to be found in the desire to perpetuate conscription in Great Britain after thr war. And calls upon the Socialist and Labour forces in this country to use every means in their power to prevent the perpetration of this crime." SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Land and Buildings.
"F11? Modern HOUSES ON SALE. Ncs. 60-68, Lake Stre.t, Mile End. Stockport: price 185 eaub (except detached ht-Ure, 215): all freehold: chief 2 per house: glving-away price. W.
H. Ciaytcn. 62, Market Si. Tf-OR SALli, about 1,500 SQUARE YARDS of FREEHOLD J- LAXI, Park suitable for btiidinp: "al chief: splendid situation. 223, "Mc Guardian." St- A11113.
a ana Promenade, at.i.i-J- DETACHED, 34, Riley Avenue: possv-ainn 'hrii-tiiias. 4PPly Flltcroft, 15. Lytham ifoad. St. ti i HOUSES, off Stockport Road: renUil after chief prko 370.
Address 236, "M.c Guardian." Xj7REE FROM CHIEF Mwlcrn ilOUSIl: 310: poses- sion s-lx months sifter 182, "Mc Guardian." EATON CHAPKL. PAIR SEMIS: run 72, chi. 20: nrice 7nn. phM. iqn A Ir.
itnuiitin HIGHIIlt It OU GHTON HOUSE four bed-roams: 350: I good order: no ageiit-s. 0 134, "Mc Guardian." DEAL HOUSES On Sale, lire-war prices, with possession. o. 5-7, Hilton Crescent, Hilton Prestwioh. Price 660 No.
16, Woodfieid Road, Higher Crumpsall. Price 320. No. 87-89, Mauldeth Witltin.xtcn. Price 300 each.
No. 93-95, Manchester Road, Fairfield. Price 425 each. No. 2-4, Hassop Lane, Reddish.
Price 520 No. 13, 8eymour Mile End Lane, Stockport. Price 425 Daisy (detached), Guest Road, Prestwich. Price 500 Eowsley Grange, Swan Lane, Cheadle Hulme. I'rice 900 Selfton House, Clarence Road.
Victoria Park. Price 5C0 r. 3 Acrjs Land. Furniture, price 560 Eisy tcrm-i. V.
H. CLAYTON, 62, Market Manchester. MOSS SIOE. Good HOUSE: chief 6. price 250: 4 bedrooms, hath, w.c.
209, Mc Guardian." NEAR Frederick Kd. Car Shed, Pendleton. Two-lobbied HOUSE: 4 bedrooms: paved: gro rental 44. chief rent 5 price 265. 196, "Mc Guard." RHOS-ON-SEA.
ON SALE, Modern Detached RESIDENCE: elevat-jd position: 2 reception, 4 bed rooms: all conveniences. l4. Guardian." TO MANUFACTURERS. ENGINEERS, AND OTHERS. FOR SALE, Valuable BUILDING SITE, for factory.
Warehouses, in Mark -Street, near Everton Valley, L.ver-pool, recently occupied by th; Liverpool Lint but buildings erected thereon are damaped by fire: tenure freehold: contents about 4,200 square yards. to EVANS, LOCKETT, solicitors, 21. Water Street, Liverpool. TO BE SOLD, by Private Treaty, Good DWELLING-HOUSE, with Outbuildings, and about 7 acres of Land, cilled Eastfie'd, East Foxdale, I.O.M., adjoining highroad: possession can be had on November 12. For further particulars apply to J.
T. FARAGHER, auctioneer, Quine's Corner. Douglas, LO.M. TO BE SOLD, with early possession, the COVE ESTATE, Silverdale, comprising the mansion-isouse. called Cove House, with gardens, vinery, conservatory, stables, and cottages, overlookine Morecambe Bay, and wiUi extensive views of the Lake District hills, now in the occupation of Mrs.
Moriey Saunders; and also the Residence known as Cove Lea, in the occupation of Mr. Pennineton, and the Freehold Farm known as Bank House Farm. The total area of the estate is about 65 acres. For further particulars apply Messrs. BUCK DICKSONS, eolicitc-rs, 17, Winckley Street, Preston.
FTK Motor Firms and Schools. Distributing and Forwarding JL Agents, ant! other Firms Requiring Space. "WEST END OF LONDON. Extenivo FREEHOLD PREMISES, close to Piccadilly, with a ground area of over 13,000 6quare ftet. FOB SALE: house of 10 rooms included: could be readi'y adapted for immediate use.
and wruld make-a fine site for rebuiHing after the war. Full particulars of Msrs. G.UtLANiD-SMlTH 100, Mount Street, London, W. 1. TO Close a Trust Estate.
FOR SALE, in Jots, 30 COTTAGES: in Salford: valuab'e sites. 44. TWO FIRST CHIEF RENTS, amounting to 50 p.a.: well secured: prico 18 vears. 184, Mc Guardian." TTIflOTE OPPORTUNITY. Small AGRICULTURAL ESTATE FOR SALE, ln the West Riding of Yorkshire, 600ft.
above sea level: extensive view-: small private house and farms: fishing and shooting: acreasro about 500: prjee 20.000. Address A. car' of ROBT. FITCH 7, Staple Inn. Holborn, London.
W.C. 1. URMSTON: Primrose Avenue. Modern HOUSES: 300 each: four bedrooms: good gardens. 0 146.
WOODBINE STREET, Mohs Side. FOR SALE. THREE Excellent HOUSES. Appleby Wood, Deansgate Arcade Farms. A Useful Cheshire FARM TO BE SOLD, 16 miles from Manchester: capital house, outbuildings: 40 acres good land: pries 1,600: live stock (20 head), Implements at valuation or optional: tenant owner, giva possession.
W. 41. Clayton, bis, JUartet street, jtancncsiei-. Shares. FREDERICK W.
NISH 4 17, ST. ANN'S SQUARE. MANCHESTER. SELLERS (subject): 200 Norths Navigation 126; 100 Aircraft 200 Chevit Rubber, 69; 20 Salt Union 286; 1O0 Wall Paper 22 '6 50 Bentda Tin. 14-: 50 Temnus Shipping, 429; 10O East Rand Mining, 249; 250 J.
T. Eltring-hams 129; 70 Associated Newspapers 7 p.c. 22-; ISO Raphael. Tucks; 100 British New Guinea 13-; 150 Holbrooks 143: 20 J. Wntson lO p.c 289; 100 United Small Arms 23-: 30 Moss Empress 5.
2s. 100 Sslt Union 266 20O Waverley Plantations. 4-. WANTED: oO Anslc-Dutch 200 Wall Paper 100 John Crossleys 100 Rnwnn'lrh Linoleums: 2nn Eaft Band Minincr: 20O DoeuUIet 100 Transvaal Estates. 103.
Full par ticulars of attract ve Commercial ana industrial companies fo-wa-dert nn application. CLARK SHARP. 17. ST. ANN'S SQUARE, MANCHES-e TER.
SELLERS: 300 Slabbers. 8104; 500 Andrew Knowles. 116; lOO Maypole 20-; 15 Alkali 9. 18s. 9d.
60 Newton Moor, 100 Mars 56-; 200 Saxon, 200 Ramsey, 80-; SOO Hurst Mill, 94-; 50 Wilton. 926: lOO Castle. 87-: 50 Stalybridge, 64-: 100 Victor, 92-: 50 Cairo. 566: 20 Woodstock, 5. 50 Yew 28-: 20 Bee Hiv; A.
12. Harper Twist, -80-. BUYER: 100 Cavendish. 726: 100 Milton, 200 Facit. 44-; 200 Ross 25-: 100 Trerrbfteld, 24-; 100 Mavis, 200 Cliff, 17-; 200 Hugons, 326.
LLANDUDNO-COLWYN ELECTRIC CABS. FOB SALE. 525 1 SHARES in this progressive Company: increase receipts to date equal 5 per cent additional dividend over 3 per cent paid last year: accounts audited November: purchaser takes whole year's eomifl distribution: stats best offers over divide. 15, "Mc Guardian." ANTED, Tulketh. if at 7s- Cowling, or Talbot, 80s.
Address 300, "Mc Guardian." 500 SHARES FOR in Limited, paying 12 1: price 27s. 6d. each. 187, "Mc Guardian." Motor Cars and Cycles. CALCOTT, 1914, self-starter, two-seater and dickey, detachable wheels: entirely overhauled: dynamo lighting: 1 1 ji A annsaranM Mnifll 11 MW i uttxbs very ttwui wuuiuun TJV? ir? 350: no offers.
Address 61. Guardian. 1914: guaranteed not done 5.0CO miles quick sale 6CO. Apply W. H.
Smith and Son, Blackburn StaUon. LOOKERS. HAVE IN siw. 'GHEGOIBE TOURING CAR, 1915, as new. LANCIA CHASSIS.
CALTHORPB 15.9 TOURING CAR: semi sporting model: extra good. AUSTRO DAIMLER, 15-30. with specal coupe body, by Arnold, Lonoon. BOVER TOURING CAH: nearly new: perfect. 12 CABS and CHASSIS in stock.
HARDMAN STREET, DEANSGATE. 6688 Central. AUTOMOBILES. Wanted -r Five-passenger Touring Car model 83' Overland preferred or a Cadillae. Address Mr.
Pyle, ,25, Stratford Avenue, Leeds. WANTED, good Landaulette, Daimler preferred. Albert Famell, 51, Manningham Lane, Bradford. but, if you take him, don't expect us to keep on sending you the groups of trained chemists that that man has helped to turn out in the past." The manager hesitated. The thought seemed to sober him.
"You're right," he exclaimed. "I see it. Keep your man. He is more indispensable to us. here than he would be Ln our plant." And he turned away to seek some other solution of his problem.
They do these things better in France. A soldier's funeral passed along one of the principal streets in Salford recently, the procession being, headed by a gun-caTriage and a firing party. I followed it (writes for a quarter of a mile, and although there were crowds along the route I did not see a single man raise his hat or cap as it went by. Probably no disrespect was meant, but cap on head and pipe in mouth contrast strongly, with the attitude towards funerals in any French town. There everyone stands to attention even at the humblest cortege, the men bareheaded, and I have often watched the effect on the crowd sitting outside a cafe.
At one moment noise and merriment and the clinking of glasses the next a solemn and silent assembly paying a tribute of respect to the dead. Of course it is a convention, but one, I think, worth imitating here. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Engines, Machinery, Tools, ONE PAIR' INTERMEDIATE FRAMES, 112 spjndlea." JPobs11 and Barlow, 1884; One Pair' Jack Frames, 154, Dobson and Barlow. 1883; One Pair ditto, 150 spindles, 1885; One Waste Broakcr.
by Tomlinscn, almost Pump- BLACK-LArl MILLS Radcliffe. "PORTABLE ENGINE, by Robey and in-sured 901b. pressure: sale or hire. 254. SHELL PLANT TWO Fine Smith and Coventry BORING and SCREWING LATHES, with six post turret heads for 3iin.
bar: slide, surfacing, and fcrew cutting, three speeds 4JIn. wide. ONE Smith and Coventry WAIVING and GROOVING LATHE, with Clement drive attachment, centres, 10ft. bed. ONE Double-geared BORING and FACING LATHE, bv I Atlas Ergineerine Co.
19m. centres on 8ft. 6in. bed" lour-speed cones 4in. wide.
ONE Heavy Type THREAD MILLING MACHINE, by Oldfield'and Schofield: double ended, and suitable for 8 and 14 threads per inch. ONE EMERJf GRINDING MACHINE, with four-speed cone on pedestal stand. THOS. MITCHELL SONS, Edgar Street, Bolton. TWIST DKllA.3.
FOR SALE, 1.OO0 lfiln. High-spaed T.S. DRILLS, A.W. make: price each special bargain. LAWTON 70, Barton Arcade, Manchester Phone 6144 City.
WE Specialise and carry large Stocks for immediate delivery of SHAFTING, Fittings, Pulleys. Chucks, Twist Drills: telephone us your inquiries. MARTIN 33-5, Bridge Street City). Businesses, A Tip-top FINANCIAL BUSINESS may be secured by anyone possessing 350: a cafe, sound, ready money, annual income assured light, gentlemanly, and in no way technical: ordinary business ability only necessary. Address Cinema.
Box 666, Wirings, 125, Strand, London, W.C ACCOUNTANCY. Small, old-established Practice for Disposal: ill-health: good opportunity qualified man. 135. (COMPACT MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR SALE, as a going concern, situate between Bradford and Halifax, comprising freehold mill, weaving shed (containing 60 broad and narrow looms), all accessories, engine, boiUr, shafting, reservoir, timekeeper's house, land for extension, and motor garage: immediate possession can be given: orders on Dooks can be taken over by purchase or otherwise: weavers plentiful: price 5,250: mortgage or can be arranged if desired. For further particulars and permission to view write G.
A. MARSDEN, solicitor, 1, Cheapeide, Bradford. FOB SALE, MILLINER'S, DRESSMAKER'S, and FANCY GOODS BUSINESS -main road: good locality: good Teasons for selling. Aoaresa li. loo, Mc uuaraian." GENERAL DRAPERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING (Managing Partner called to Colours) in prominent Lancashire BUSINESS TO BE tsOLD, as a going concern: turnover 50,000 per annum: roomy premises: rent 260: stock about 20,000: in th'ckly populated district: stock ln Eplendid condition: no reasonable offer refused.
For full particulars apply care of Horrocks and Christian Jones, solicitors, 15, Lord Street, TOBINTiNG and STATIONERY BUSINESS: healthy JL locality: capital up-to-date plant, typograph: excellent profits: owner retiring on competency: total re- quired, including freehold premises, about WALTER PHELPS k. SON. prrntTS' valuers, Birmingham. CJALE BY TENDER. Mrs.
rook. 90. Stretford Road, Manchester. Thii fixtures and fittings in thia matter have been tionwri nf nrlvatelv. but the STOCK (Mantles.
Costumes, amminiine to 283 at stock-book prices, remains d'eVsBwill received by W. T. BYAN DAVTES, A cnntain S.t.rpt. ManchstAr. 11 to n.Ttl.
on Wedneadav, 'October 16, when they will to opened and C1UBURBAN Ladies, Children's Outfitters: main road: 4 clear profit weekly: good retiring: 350. 260 mo BE DISPOSED OF, as going concern. Old-established WHOLESALE GROCERY and PROVISION BUSINESS: larse turnover: excellent connection: stock and plant at valuation: convenient shop, warehouse, and stable premises Apply McAUSLAND. ft AIREY, Incorporated ac-Xnuntants 8. Victoria Street, Liverpool.
WL-KNOWN Country Village STORES ON SALE, near Mc: profits 20 weekly: allow accountant's In-snctIon to prove: price 800. Includes property. Nat. cash and large stock. W.
H. Clayton, 62, Market Mo Mills, Manufactories, Works, BUILDING FOB 500. situated at Patrlcroft: iron and wood structure: suitable for engineering or other work: with brass foundry, e.ectric light, and' power, MSTaas- low ground rent, which incudes dwelllng-housa, or buHdSwi can bV removed. Appiy Messrs. MOSS.
WILLI A MS. 16. John Dalton Street, Manchester. -s-vR SALE, or TO BE LET, MILL, consisting of small Ij weaving shed and thre-rtorey b.ock of buildings, en-TTvm and boiler houses, also land for extension: within tweive of Manchester: suitable for leather or chemical works: nroperty is leasehold, subject to small rent. Address 25b.
Me Guard'an." SAWMILL, with water frontage and adjacent to railway station, complete with first-crass machinery, as a gang Apprf to T. S. tones. Prudential Buildings. New-castieon-Tjne.
Land and Buildings. Ttet.rtu Onuntrv RESIDENCE ON SALE, A Modern i-T-Vl. ntv, Vsu tnmar station). Derbyshire: ln own XV. SrpionV W.
H. CLAYTON. 62, Market Street, Mc. A BARGAIN FOB SOMEONE. PAIR Fine FREEHOLD HOUSES ON SALE: capital greenhouse (cost 80) and 2 657 square yards valuable land: near 6ate staUon.
ChSilre- price 580 the pair: owner paid 900: early ponton. W. H. ctIaYTONT 62, Market St, Manchester. A KGAIN Nearly New 12s.
Weekly HOUSE for 100 A dovva- mod mort: and chief: large kitchen, 4 beds: all cventenrwcant. 132, Heald Grove, Whltworth Park. Abtfr wT? Huge House Demand. Buy now, from. Loneiirht, Heaton Chapel.
Chorlton. TJrmston, and ewheVer Estates Offices, 176, Dean.gate, Manchester. a HTOVV-MERSEY. Modern SEMI: 235: let until A iSmonUs after war. Address 271.
"Mc Guard." BROOKLANDS. TO BE SOLD, Well-appointed RESIDENCE, ln the best position: three entertaining, billiard nine bed rooms, dressing-room, and all conveniences: tbT'entraSioe hall and billiard-room are Tery elaborately rSnriled and fitted ln carved oak: attractive grounds: garage: SrijrpoM. Laban Spencer. 84. Mosley St wet, Manchester.
Cvata. To Emigrants and Land Speculators, Owing toUhiess, owner will SELL 1,000 BUILDING LOTS DAISY BANK, Victoria kxuu, mumi a.uarv,. Seymour Grove, 1.500: Clareboime, Carrtngton. 700 Two Shop Stretford. Shop and House OldfleM i rr i rr TOO- Shops, Houses, uu, oawutj -nu.
aianor oeain, gsooTsilTerdale HoUhe. Blrkdale. 1.250; 2.000 -V. FreetoW Land, T7ldesiy. 1.250.
Hindley. Victoria Bdg. i own Detached Keeirence, in own greunos: lane raitt-rooms, bedrooms: mod. convenient oars, 4c. 35.
aiuitkbw Jircaae. IB CCLES. TO BE SOLD, PATH Semi-detached HOUSES in i iMnm Trk 9. 6 bed rooms: moif mnljnia- lOW price. xu 0w price.
6j Dalton Street, City, nuing, ceo. satn, lavatory: price 250: ground rent 4. 11, Guardian." FIFTEEN Modern HOUSES, John Street, Denton: rents 255. chief only 20. 19c: price 1,750.
BATCLIFF, Hippodrome Bar, Oxford Street. he had made an act of retrocession of the crown to his father, who ICor twenty-two years bore unwillingly the heavy load of kingship which he had so unsuccessfully attempted to throw off. Writing in the New York "Nation," Dr. Joseph Swain, president of Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, warns his fellow-countrymen that they are xisking the future the nation by the excessive demands that are being made upon the personnel of their colleges' on the plea of war needs. He supports his argument by a significant story.
A manager of one of the largest munition plants in America came recently to the head of the department of chemistry in one of the colleges with the statement that he wanted a chemist who was particularly qualified for certain work. "You have the very man we want," he added, mentioning the name of an assistant professor in the college in question. "You must let us have him." "But I can't," replied the head of the department we cannot get on without him." How much is he receiving here?" inquired the manager, who on being told the salary that was being paid replied, without a moment's hesitation, "We will double that if he will go to work for us to-morrow." Wre cannot meet that offer," said the head of the department, SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Engines, Machinery, Tools, ABOUT 10 Tons of IRON STEAM PIPES. 2 in- and various FITTINGS price 100 the lot on rails.
URTH BLAKBLEY, Church I'enton, via CAPITAL Lane. BOILER, 30 9: 1501b. pressure. ONE 21 7 BOILER: lOOib. pressure.
ONE 50 7ft. 6in. BOILER: 901b. pressure. KAY LEY, Queen Street, Ardwuk.
CAST IRON PIPES, about 30 each 4in. and 5in. diam. 9ft. long, socket and spigot: 10 per ton.
FIRTH BLAKE LEY, Church Fenicn, via Leeds. CAST-IHON COLUMNS, 20, about Hi in. dia. 10ft. 6in.
high, metal about lin. thick; alto various other sizes: j.r ce 15 per ton. I'lUTII BLAKEL-EY, Church Fenton. via Lceda. CR0S31.EY GAS ENGINE, No.
50647: complete U'irh t.inira nfnAc qnH fittlnira no nnw rmininfr. 112. DRUMS. -FOR SALE, 4030 Excellent Clean, Strong TIN DRUMS. 11 13: used for ammonia.
Address 72. Mc Guardian," BITING Plants and Heater Coils, for rapidly drying any material. G. F. Welle, engineer.
2in. diameter, 22ft. 3in. long, now Insured for working pressure of 701b. to square inch.
The boilers are complete with the usual mountings, and may be seen under pressure at Seacombe Ferry. The boilers will be removed by the vendors and placed f.o.r. Seacombe Ferry sidings. The purchaser will bo required to take delivery within 14 days of the receipt of written advice that they are available for loading. Forms of tender -will not be required, but all tenders must be forwarded to the Ferries General Manager, Seaoombe Ferry, Wallasey, in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside Tender for Cornish Boilers." Offers will be received up to 5 p.m.
on Tuesday, 22nd Octo-1916- The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender. For further information application should be made to tne Ferries General Manager's Office, Seacombe Ferry. H. W. COOK, Town Clerk, Wallaeey.
lOth October, 1918. FILES AND RASPS. Good Quality Imperfects, any Quantity Supplied. Enquiries solicited. GIBBINS, 27.
Thorpe Road, Highfields, Sheffield. FIFTEEN New COMPOUND SLIDE BESTS, 6Jln. to 7in. centres, suitable for boiting on existing btds. Immediate delivery; also Quantity of Starrett Micrometers, O-lln.
capacity. Martin 35. Bridge St. 'Phones, 3206-7 City. FOR SALE, One PAIB of TWINERS (Platte), 1903,2,000 spindles, 1 9-16 gauge; alto One Quick Traverse Gassing Frame Stubbs), with pat.
ventil'ing hood, 166 drums. 149 FOR SALE, ONE Patent Single Cone PIRN WINDING MACHINE. 26 epindles, 7in. pitch, arranged for cross winding, with quick traverse motion, to wind from cone to cop: complete: Hattersley's make. Apply to JAMES HOYLE, Aero Mils, Hebden Bridge.
FOR SALE, from stock. New and Second-hand WOODWORKING MACHINES, Box Printing Machines, Box Trimming Machines. Hand and Power Feed Planing Machines. Power Morticing Machines. Holler Feed fcaw Benches, Heavy Lot Crosscut Saw.
Band tBeavv. Multiple Spindle Boring Machines, ate. JAMES iiAWLEY, LlAUTEl. Carrutherx Street, Liverpool. 17WH SALE, Portable SAWING PLANT, consisting ot portable engine, rack-saw bench, pushbencn, eight miw.s belting', and all accessories, suitable to take to a wood; also Wocd turning Lathe.
lOft. bid 9in. centre, by Robinson, Rochdale. Address 72, Mc Guardian." TTOR SALE, ONE CROMPTON MOTOR: 1,150 Sj r.p.m., 420 volt: totally enclosed; complete with. Fcrranti totally enclosed starter: nr.ictir.illy nw.
234. FOR SALE, 4-horse Tangye GAS ENGINE, with 241n. C'rcular Saw, draff motion, rise and fall spindle, 12in. Surface Planer. 241n.
Band Saw, Shaftingr and Pulleys: owner no further use. Apply BERRY, 46. Ashfleld iRoad, FAt ORSALE. NATIONAL GAS ENGINE two flywheels, tube ignition, and self-starter. NATIONAL V-type GAS ENGINE two flywhVs.
tube ignition, and self-starter, CR0S.SI.EY S-tvpe GAS ENGINE two flywheels, magneto ignition, complete, with H-type suction eas plant. STOCKPORT GAS ENGINE two flywheels, 1012Ubh.p7mCBOSSIJEY GAS ENGINE tube icnit ion. BOILERS, ENGINES. PUMPS. PULLEYS, JOISTS, ANGLES.
THOS. OXLEY. 8HILOH WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Phone 4630. 'Grams: Ironical.
Sheffield. XTORTY-FOUR K.W. 110 Volt D.C. BIPOLAR GENE--I- RVTOR. compound wound, thrre-bearliur tyne.
with rone pullev and slide rails, speed 600. DRUMMOND Commerc'al Street, Middlesbrough. "CX)R SUPPLIES OF BRIGHT TURNED MILD STEEL BABS for Automatic Machines. Bar Machines, or Shafting GOVASHAFTINO ENGINEERING GOVAN FOTJR COMBERS, each e'ght heads, for 12ln. laps, by Howard -id Ttulloueh One Slivr Lan Machine, and One Xibbon Lap Machine.
A-idre-s 40. "Mc Guardian." TTIOUR Ton New STEEL FLANGE RAILS. 18-2116. eec-JT: tion. WELDING, 77, Yauxnall Road, Liverpool.
HORIZONTAL Corliss ENGINE, Hick, Hargreares, with ryl. 18in. bv 36in. stroke. Automatic Horizontal ENGINE, by Robey and with cyl.
POin by 2ft, 6in. stroke. Automatic Horizontll CONDENSING ENGINE, by Huston. Proctor and with cyl. 14in.
by 28in. stroke. MACHWEKiit9- uw An ALBION WORKS, JL Forward, SHEFFIELD. HORIZONTAL STEAM EJ.Ul.iNJC., OOin. working order.
Peel Dye Works, Newton Heath. HYDRAULIC PRESSES AND PUMPS. LIMITED. SALFORD. I BON PRINCIPALS, 28ft- long: Bpx tawtw.
on iron wheels; about 20O Corrugated Iron Sheete, with. Timber forming Hoarding and Motor Garage. "mDerG. JONES. 74.
Road. Salford. LAXPA8HIRE BOILEB, 27ft. with all fittings: to Awtaure at 801b. pressure: prompt delivery.
FIKTB: BLAKELEY, Church Fenton, via Leeds. NATIONAL GAS ENGINE CiS l6" type: all complete and as new. R. AMBER ft Blrkdale, Lancashire. Tel.
44. clT-p REKRIGEBATOR vertical enclosed type: single QN SALE. BEFKIrAoUKas 2Q0 Address 12, Mc Guardian ttaiv rpiMvc Mr4i ot lirht -IN SALE TWO SETS DHAW fRAES. aw19? lJJl1 YTZ. and BT1905.
Address 17, One aiuomt -v A 17 fin. ML. I OVE 5-Ton JIB CRANE, 40ft. Jib. TWO 25 C.H.
JIB CRANES. STEAM WTVCH: PAIR 6in. CYLINDERS. TAB BOILERS, from 160 to 300-gallons. new lvm.
ion. njwn ounun OlNG PRESS, by well-known maker: offers wanted. 35. jtmxf Xtn. XOiu.
ruww i I (rftKE 8 I 4 BOILER: 70ib. pressure. one 7 3ft. 6ln. BOILER: 801b.
presenre. ONE 7 "4ft. 6mrTUBULARrBOiLER: KAYLEY. Queen Street, Artwick. 1301b.