Amphibians, Witches, & Demons - Kumaguma (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Separate Then United

Anne stands in a white space as she looks around and sees Valeriana with her staff glowing blue at the end.

“Is that you, Valeriana? Where are we?”

“We are in a mental plane of reality where I can impart some knowledge that will help you in the future.”

“Oh, okay, so, how are we-OH!” an azure beam from the newt’s staff shines on her forehead. Anne’s eyes glow the same color, and her head feels fuzzy until the light disappears while her irises fade into brown. “WOW! I feel like I know how to connect to the stones! Why… would I need to know this?”

“You are about to take an important step that will change not only your life but the lives of your friends, families, and much more throughout many worlds. This knowledge will awaken in you when the moment comes, so don’t waste it! You, Sasha, and Marcy must take on the stones’ energies again, for the trials ahead will differ from what you experience on Amphibia. But don’t lose yourselves from them; learn from them while making sure to keep your Strength with Persistence, Wit with Humility, and Heart with Responsibility!”

“Huh, guess this last battle will be quite intense!!”

Valeriana smirks, “The battle is critical, but there is more in store…” the girl raises an eyebrow at the response. “Now, this vision will be like a dream, especially since you’re asleep. Rest for when you awake; you must unite your armies and convince your friends. Here is some important advice: find the Owl House and trust its inhabitants; they will help you and your friends in your time of need. Just don’t lose heart, Anne Boonchuy!”

The teen wakes up in her quarters with a headache but then takes deep breaths as mild pain alleviates from her brain.

The Day of Battle

The two girls ride on Domino 2 into the dark skies, and then Sasha clears her throat, “We need to talk about Marcy.”

“You were thinking about her, too, huh?”

“She got us stuck here on purpose, Anne. I know she was freaking out about moving, but it’s still super messed up.”

“We’ve all made mistakes, Sasha. And besides, maybe we’re partially to blame.”

“‘Ex-squeeze’ me?!”

“Remember that movie she used to make us watch? War of the Warlocks? And how we’d always fall asleep?”

“It was a three-hour movie!”

“It wasn’t just that movie, though. We ignored all her interests. We might have ignored her needs, too. Maybe that’s why she went behind our backs with this crazy plan.”

“All I’m saying is, even if we save Marcy, can we really save this friendship?”

“I don’t know, but we have to try.”

The army below clashes with the Frobots while the two humans land on the floating castle along with Sprig, Hopediah, Polly, Frobo, and Grime riding Joe Sparrow. The Amphibians jamming to music on the smartphone, “Shh, stealth mission! Hello?!” shushed Sasha.

“Right, sorry.” Grime apologizes as he turns off the music.

Anne quietly commands, “Alright, we get in, get the music box, save Marcy. Got it?”

“Got it!” the group acknowledged.

“Let’s go!” they enter the halls as the group sneaks past the patrolling automatons.

“Okay, so let’s say you’re right, and we’ve been taking Marcy for granted; that doesn’t change what she’s done.” Sasha softly argued as they crept down the hall.

“It’s not about what she did, Sash. It’s about why she did it.”, countered Anne.

“So, I’m supposed to forgive her? Like it’s easy?”

“It’s not easy. Forgiveness is hard, and it will take time. But believe me…” Boonchuy walks up to Waybright and holds her hands. Then, she looks at Hopediah as he gives a thumbs up, “-it’s worth it. I mean, just look at what you and I have now.”

Sasha tears up as she sniffles, “You’re right. Of course you are. Now let’s save that lovable little nerd so we can make things right with her.”

“That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Come on. The throne room is just up ahead.” As the group enters the royal corridor. They walk down until Lady Olivia and General Yunan drop from the ceiling with mind-control collars on their necks and blank purple eyes staring them down.

Olivia, in a robotic tone, asks, “Going…”

“…somewhere?” Yunan finishes.

Sprig cries, “Lady Olivia! Yunan! It’s us!”

“You’re wasting your breath! Look!” replies Hop Pop, pointing to the couple’s collars. They rush toward the old frog at a synchronized pace. Grime pushes him out as he blocks Yunan’s claws with his hammer. Olivia gets behind the toad and swipes him down to the ground. The two newts raise their fist, and then Sasha charges at them. The duo lands into a battle stance and rushes the group again. Anne blocks a rush of fists from Olivia, and then she tails swipes as Yunan slashes her claw. Anne backs into Sasha as they both duck the newts’ attack. Sprig fires his slingshot at them, but Olivia bounces the shot.

Sitting on Frobo, Polly states, “They’re too in sync! We can’t land a hit!!”

“They’re not the only ones who are in sync! Sasha, remember that super dance fusion routine we always used to do?!” asked Anne.

“How could I forget?! Hit it, Grime!” the blonde girl snaps her fingers in the toad’s direction.

Grime scrolls on the smartphone, “Let’s see. Buh-de-buh-de-buh-de-Got it!” dance music blares from the app as the two teens get up and tap their feet and move their heads to the beat. The human pair pose then taunt with their hands, ‘Bring it!’ The newt couple charges at them as the humans rush forward and start dancing in sync. They dodge Yunan’s and Olivia’s attack, then counters it. The mind-controlled warriors do a low spinning swipe kick, but Anne and Sasha jump and land as the couple kicks. The girls dodged the woman’s boot as they started to barrage them. The teenagers evade each of them while making poses with confident smiles. Sasha and Anne strike their fists at the newts, then block the Amphibians’ punches. The girls twirl together as their enemy jumps at them, but they separate. Anne and Sasha jump, then grab hands midair as they dive their heel right onto the control collars on Olivia and Sasha. The humans land in a symmetrical pose as the collar shatters.

“W-whoa! What happened!?” asked a dazed Olivia.

Yunan questions, “Where are we?!”

“No time to explain! We’re here for the music box!!” exclaims Anne.

Sasha includes, “And Marcy!”

“No, wait!”

“Marcy has changed! She is no longer the girl you knew!”

“Neither are me and Sasha!”

“No, you don’t understand!” Anne ignores Olivia as she opens the door and sees the Calamity Box on its pedestal, surrounded by darkness and lit by a skylight.

“I don’t see, Marcy.” Anne and the others examine the room.

“First things first. Get the box.”, commands Sasha as they rush towards the device.

Anne looks in amazement as she is about to grab the box, “I can’t believe it. It’s over. We’ve won!!” she then seizes it as the box pixelates as her hands pass through it, “Wait, what!?” The light in the room shuts off as orange robotic eyes pop from the darkness. The eyes extend into tentacles as they quickly grab at the group while they scream in terror. More mechanical eyes light up as a large one shines behind Darcy, holding the Calamity Box.

In a warped voice, the possessed girl greets, “Hello, girls. Nice of you to fall for our trap.”

“Marcy? What are you wearing? What’s going on?!” Anne looked in shock.

“We’re not Marcy. Not anymore.” Darcy steps down, getting closer to the group, “We are a collection of Amphibia’s greatest minds, uploaded into a unified consciousness.”

“What have you done with Marcy?”

“She’s up here with us.” the lord points to their head, “It’s how we recognized your little ruse. War of the Warlocks? Very cute.” they end in a chuckle.

“Give us our friend, or I’ll rip that helmet off and take her back!” promises Sasha.

“Your friend? Don’t be silly. You’re not friends. Not anymore. And, examining Marcy’s memories, it’s doubtful you ever were.”

“Sasha, don’t listen to this thing!”

“Ah! The famous Anne. Dumber than a bag of rock, yet somehow this rebellion’s last hope. Oh, which reminds me.” The tentacles drag the group to the balcony as Darcy announces, “Frogs, toads, and newts of the Resistance! Your leaders have been captured. Your rebellion is over.”

The Resistance members look distressed except for a two curved, red-horned, red-eyed toad with a pinkish underbelly wearing brown scale armor and clenching his black fangs. In contrast, the army comments in despair and retreat from the battlefield while trembling. He shivers until he hears a ghostly voice, “Don’t give up!” then he glares at the newt king.

“Later, losers!” Andrias adds, twirling his sword with a smug smile, “I’d say you put up a good fight, but I’m not that good of an actor.”

He laughs as he prepares to jump, the toad, crimson with rage, charges at the giant newt. The soldier clings to the king as he lands on the balcony. The more minor Amphibian tumbles but then takes out his axe.

“I’M NOT GIVING UP!!!” he cries as he swings his weapon at the blue newt, but Andrias catches his hand and squeezes it until the warrior screams and the battle ax drops. The larger male lifts the toad up by his arm as he dangles.

The king looks at the toad’s fury and pain while giving a slight smirk as he drags him into the room.

“Everything is ready, my lord.”, the newt confirms, “The rebellion is in shambles, and Earth is ripe for the taking.”

“Then all that’s left is for us to do what you could not: kill Anne.”

Everyone gasps in shock.

“It’s been risky enough using the box up until now. We don’t know what will happen as long as she holds a piece of its power.”

Anne whispers, “I don’t believe it. They’re as clueless about the stones as we are. Whoa!” the tentacle entrapping her throws her to the ground in front of Darcy. Mechanical tendrils hold her down as the armored girl unsheathes a laser dagger.

“Let’s make this quick.” Darcy holds up the knife.

Anne looks to the side with sweat dripping down her face, then shouts, “Wait!”

“Amusing. You wish to beg?” as they playfully point the glowing blade at Anne’s face.

“Just a quick question! Are you sure this will return the stone’s power to the box? What if killing me extinguishes the box’s power altogether!? POOF!”

“You think the Core hasn’t considered-”

“Shut up, Andrias!” Darcy interrupts as they close their eyes; the same goes for the eyes on the wall; then they all open, “Unprecedented. We cannot reach a consensus. Therefore, we must confirm the energy can be safely extracted before killing her.” The lord then looks back onto the balcony.

“Wait. Did I seriously just outsmart you?”

“You only bought enough time to watch your planet fall. We look forward to dissecting you. Alive. Guards, have the rest of them fitted for collars immediately! Andrias. Portal. Now. It’s time.”

The large Frobot retracts the metal appendages holding Sasha and the rest as they look on as the king activates the Calamity Box, and it begins to glow white. The energy bursts from the room and breaks the windows’ glass. The energy channels into the laser at the castle’s top, blasting a bleach portal that shines a rainbow on the edges. The robots on the battlefield fly up with the factories and the palace soars to the portal.

Anne’s eyes glow azure as the blue gem on the box begins to flicker; wispy energy flows around her. The box shines pink, green, and blue as the girl is surrounded by an aura. Her hair radiates the same color as her aura as the twigs in it grow while transforming into an azure fire filled with leaves and branches. She bursts from the tentacles holding her as she holds her hand before the box. The other gems’ energies flow into Darcy and Sasha as they flare emerald and rosy, respectively. The Calamity Box opens and plays a haunting yet whimsical tune. The portal the castle and factories were passing through turns yellow with a black almond shape in the center. The rocket-propelled buildings come to the other side, opened to an orange sky above a titanic skeleton with an archipelago around the bones. White energy pulses out of the exit and spreads past the horizon as the flying fortress finishes passing through. The castle stops above another dark citadel adorned with white banners centered around a pit of massive spikes and a large smoking chimney.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” grilled Darcy.

In a distorted voice, Anne answered, “Um, outplayed you?” as she shrugged.

The lord growls furiously as Anne charges the Giant Frobot and punches the robot, freeing her allies. The automaton then sent out more miniature robots as the group readied themselves. The red toad pulls his arm out of Andrias’ grip as he rushes toward the box, but the king backhands him toward the group of bots. The bots ready their laser until Grime’s grayish-purple rough tongue wraps around the crimson toad’s arm in midair. He pulls the soldier to them as the robots, Andrias and Darcy, block their way to the music box.

“Alright, Plantars, Lady Olivia, and General Yunan take care of the Frobots! Anne, you take on Andrias! Grime and uh, soldier, we fight whatever that thing is and take that helmet off of Marcy!” orders Sasha as she throws her sky-blue sword at him.

The toad catches the hilt and confirms, “It’s Drum and aye-aye, sir!” as he brandishes the weapon.

The Plantars move in for the attack; Hopediah punches and kicks the mini bots. “Oh, you think my grandbabies’ are the only ones who can fight?” he croaks and puffs out his throat, taking off a bot’s head. One of the bots prepares to punch Hop Pop, but Yunan claws it in half as she joins the frog in combat. Sprig equips his slingshot and fires off his shot at three as two collapse, and one explodes, blasting the other machines down. Polly rides on Frobo as he fires a laser, cutting off the robot limb. The pollywog kicks each of them, denting them as the red light turns off. Some of the bots still function, then Olivia finishes them with kicks as she joins Polly’s and Frobo’s rampage. Sasha, Grime, and Drum face Darcy as the old toad swings his hammer at her, but a tentacle blocks the strike.

“So rude; then again, we’re not surprised. Marcy always thought you were kind of a brute. Makes sense that you would be with the toads.”

Sasha swings her sword at the tentacle, and it slices through it while her eyes glow pink. “I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work.”

“Yeah, you think you can manipulate the queen of manipulation?” Grime tried to compliment.

Drum cheer, “Yeah!!!”

Thank you, Grime and Drum…”

“Sorry.” the two toads apologized.

“Aw, don’t you wanna know what she really thinks of you?”

“It doesn’t matter what she thinks of me. I’m here to save her and stop you.”

“Well, then…” Darcy cracks their neck as a pole drops next to her and twirls it as scythe blades of energy manifest from its end, “…let’s rumble, girlfriend.” The three charge them as their weapons clash, causing red electricity to crackle.

Anne flies at Andrias as he punches him, but an energy shield from his left arm blocks it as he grins. He slices at the girl, but she dodges by flying to the side; then Anne blasts a blue burst. The shot is slashed by Andrias’ blade as he tries to furiously hack away at the girl but dodges each attempt with flight. She soars around the giant newt and thinks while drops of sweat fly off her, ‘Connecting with the gems took more out of me than I thought! I need to finish this! Got to find an opening so I can beat him!’

Darcy laughs as she spins their scythe as Sasha slices upward at their weapon. Grime follows with his hammers boosted by pink rockets as a giant tentacle sweeps at them. Drum blocks the metal tendril with his blade and cuts the thing in two. A barrage of tentacles bombards the young toad while he keeps pace with each of them as he slices them in two, getting closer to Darcy as he tries to move forward.

The older toad whispers to Waybright, “I’ll distract her by attacking her while you get the helmet.” He charges at them as robotic appendages attack. Still, he jumps over one, counterattacks another, then swings his hammer right at them. Tentacles block the blunt weapon as Sasha gets behind Darcy, preparing to swipe her blade at the wire, but they take a dagger and throw it at her ankle.


The energy blade cuts the girl as she falls to the ground, stunned, then struggles while using her sword as support.

Darcy rushes to the downed warrior as they prepare their scythe for a finishing blow, “Gotcha!” They bring the weapon down as Drum runs in front of the human, and the two blades clash. The collective minds sneer at the struggle of the toad as a tentacle thrust quickly to the side. Grime’s hammer bursts with a sizeable pink fire that propels him between the younger toad and the machines as he smashes it before hitting Drum. The older warrior struggles from the force of the tentacle until his left arms and legs snap with a deafening crack while the machine is smashed. He is pushed with Drum behind him as the two toads are sent flying, crashing into the wall. Grime groans in pain as he grabs his broken arm while Drum tries to get him up.

Sasha cries, “Grime!!! You big dummy!!”

“Listen to me, Sasha!” Grime struggles to yell, “You can save your friend! I was nothing but a bully in a tower, but you have inspired me to be more! If you can do that, you can do-”. The older toad faints from the pains in his limbs.

“Oops, looks like he broke a leg and an arm! Get it?” Darcy adds insult to injury as they cackle evilly.

Sasha’s eyes flare pink as she looks at them with pure rage; her crown transforms into a shining pink three-pronged form. Her blonde hair erupts into a pink fire, with her ponytail ending in a salmon flare. The wound on her ankle burns away with small vapors until it vanishes. She picks up her sword and moves at a blinding speed as she swings her sword at Darcy, as tears float away from her eyes. They summon tentacle after tentacle to block her strikes as each gets cut and sliced.

Darcy blocks the furious girl’s attacks as they struggle to keep up, then thinks, ‘Argh, she managed to awaken her powers, but that does give me an idea. Looks like we need to assimilate Marcy sooner than intended.’

In the Core’s cyberscape

Marcy, now with a wild hairstyle with a green braid in the back and wearing a green dress draped with a brown cape, is in a grassy field as she examines a map with a smile. Across from her are digital copies of Anne and Sasha staring at her blankly. The emerald sporting girl asks the two, “Okay, so should we tackle the Marsh of Mystery or the Cavern of Courage?”

“Whatever you want, Mar-Mar, we want what you want.” the two respond robotically.

Marcy’s memory flashbacks to Anne’s and Sasha’s reactions when her actions were revealed.

She rubs her eyes, “What-what did you just say!?”

“We want what you want. Always and forever.”

The green-clad girl looks saddened at the virtual version of her friends as the map flashes green and turns into a picture of the three teenagers with ‘BFFS!!’ written under them with a heart at the end. She cries as tears stream down and drop onto the photo. “This… this isn’t real, is it?” as Aldrich appears behind her, “The real Anne and Sasha don’t want what I want, and it hurts, but forcing them to follow my dreams is wrong. I’ve learned that the hard way.”

Aldrich approaches and then states, “This is getting tiresome, Marcy. We gave you your silly games and your idiotic little friends.” The sky gathers storm clouds as thunder cracks, “It’s time for you to be assimilated into the Core, now!!!” He reaches out to her, but she smacks his hand away as her eyes glow green.

“No! Only a coward would hide away in this place. Well, I reject this sick fantasy, and I reject you!!!” Marcy holds up the picture as it shines green against the giant newt.

His many eyes open in shock, “Fool!!! The only thing waiting for you out there is rejection and misery!! Even if your friends win, your parents will still tear the three of you apart.”

Marcy looks down at the glowing photo, “I started this whole mess because I wanted to escape that reality, but I won’t run away from it anymore!”

“So be it then. Suffer child in eternal darkness, and in time, anything left of your personality will fade.” the digital fantasy, including the copies of Marcy’s friends, fades into a void.

Marcy appearance changes back to short black hair with a green hair clip, and she is wearing her Saint James uniform as she stands in darkness, “Anne… Sasha… I believe in you…” The picture shines as it turns into a green screen; it cascades ancient Newtopian letters. “This is… programming code! It looks like it’s for processing my consciousness, but maybe…” she reaches to the screen as it changes the sequence. The girl smiles as a green aura bursts from her, and her black hair changes to a flowing green while her hair clip turns neon. Marcy manipulates the letters on the screen as the code changes bit by bit. She examines the screen intensely while moving faster and faster while the programming transforms with every modification. Finally, the teenager looks satisfied as she takes one final look at the screen, “If the Core wants my consciousness, I’ll give it to them!!!” The screen disappears as the girl smirks contently as she waits patiently.

In the real world

Darcy fighting an empowered Sasha as their blades clash; emerald energy appears around them, and the eyes on the helmet radiate the same color. “Hahahaha, yes! Looks like your friend has finally been assimilated into the Core. Seems you lost this battle and the war!” Sasha looks in despair, but Darcy’s hands drop the scythe as their arms go behind their back and their legs lock into place. Sasha charges and swings her sword; Darcy’s aura dissipates as they gain control of the body. They check for injuries in a panic, then scoff, “Ha, you missed.”

“Wanna bet?” Sasha asks with a smirk as the cable connecting the helmet drops with electricity sparks from the exposed wire.

Darcy looks in a panic and screams, “AAAHHH!!! My connection!! You fool!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!? NO!?!!” orange electricity crackles as the wall eyes shatter while they scream until they faint onto the ground. The helmet’s eyes turn black as it falls off Marcy’s head as she lies unconscious. The pink aura around Sasha dissipates as fatigue hits her, but the leader rushes toward the cataleptic girl. The blonde teen looks at her with concern as she lifts Marcy with her tired body on her back. She ran towards the group, where she felt sore pain with each step but persisted.

Sasha looks around as she notices the Planters, Yunan, and Olivia showing exhaustion while defending themselves from the mini bots fired by the giant Frobot. Anne is still fighting with Andrias but starts to feel fatigued. At the same time, her aura loses its flare, ‘I need to get to the box, but-’ the blue girl looks to see the frogs and newts being forced back by the giant robot as she rushes towards them. Anne flies straight at the giant automaton and crashes, then swipes a wave of energy at the mini robots, each turned into metal scrap. The blue girl gets on one knee as she perspires while breathing heavily.

“Battery at 10%! Going into sleep mode!” announced Frobo as his eye shutter closed.

Polly grabs the robot, “You rest, Frobo.”

“Everyone, we need to retreat! Get to the balcony; we’ll get on Joe Sparrow and Domino 2 to take us off the castle!! Anne, give us cover until we escape!!!” commands Sasha as she carries her friend. Drum follows behind the girl commander while the group goes to the exit with Anne behind them.

Andrias charges as the azure teen unleashes a rapid fire of small blue flares; the newt takes his shield as he blocks the fire. Anne backs away while firing as she makes it outside and yells, “DOMINO 2!!!”

Marcy awakens and then shouts, “J-J-JOE SPARROW!!!” as she weakly snaps her fingers then falls back into comatose.

Domino 2 and Joe Sparrow fly at the balcony’s edge as the rebels get on them. Anne, the Plantars, Olivia, and Yunan jump on the kill-a-moth as the teenager loses her blue hair and eyes. Sasha, hauling Marcy, and Drum follows, carrying the unconscious Grime, get on the bird. The two flying animals glide away from the flying castle. Andrias looks at the group angrily and then at the new terrain, especially the smoking castle.


Andrias rubs his beard as he contemplates, then responds, ‘There might be a silver lining to all this. We still have robots in stock and are in another world with resources for the taking and the possibility of opportunity. If I may elaborate, I have a plan in mind, if you wouldn’t mind listening?’

Go on.

The newt king smiles wickedly as he looks down at the ominous castle.

Near the forests filled with orange-leaved trees

Joe and Domino 2 flew for hours away from the castle as the sun set on the horizon. Sasha guides Joe until they reach a thick forest below, while Anne leads Domino 2 to follow. The flying creatures land past the thicket, looking up to see the sunset sky. “Well, we aren’t in Amphibia.”, commented the commander.

Anne sighs, “Yeah, and no telling what we might meet in this forest. We must be prepared; hopefully, it won’t be anything big.”

“We will have to stay grounded until we get an idea of the terrain and make sure Andrias and that thing hasn’t sent any bots after us. So, what do we do now?”

Sasha looks at the exhausted and injured Amphibians, then the unconscious Marcy still on the giant animals; at that moment, she answers, “We’ll have to find some shelter and supplies to take care of our injuries, but we’re in the middle of the woods. I think we passed a city a while back, but Andrias and that thing might already be invading it by now.”

Anne adds, “We might not have much choice, but this might be an opportunity. I don’t like it, but we might have to go to the city and get a place to rest and heal.”

Sasha sighs in frustration, “We might try, especially since getting all anime powers really did a number on my body. It’s like four times worse than getting through cheerleading training, and I can’t move my body without feeling right! Guess you’re used to using them than Marcy or me, huh, Anne?”

“Yeah, reminds me of when I used them back on Earth. You and Marcy will get used to them sooner or later. Wait, did you hear that?!” the leaf-littered teen whispers as she spots past the bushes at three people trekking along the path.

The two girls look to see a white-skinned woman with a pair of gold and silver eyes, wild gray hair with a white streak on the left, elf-like ears, and a yellow snaggle tooth wearing a reddish seafaring attire. Next to her is a teenage girl with round ears, tan skin, violet-brown hair, and a blue bandana wearing a sailor outfit. Walking beside them is a tiny creature with a skull with a broken left horn, eyes with pink irises in a yellow sclera in the sockets, a red collar with a gold tag, and purplish-grey fur with a fluffy tail. The group walks with a festive look as they walk deeper into the woods.

Anne then feels a pulse from them, making her feel optimistic, “I’m going to ask them for help!!!”

“No, Anne, wait!!!” hissed the commander as she reached for the girl but tripped off the bushes and onto the ground.

The three focus on the teen girl in the golden breastplate, “Hello, my name is Anne Boonchuy, and, um, we need some help.”

The sailor girl looks amazed as she gasps, “You’re human!?! How did you even get to the Boiling Isles?! Oh my gosh, did you get done with some sort of battle?! I’m impressed that you’re walking around with one shoe!! Oh, sorry!!! My mind can go astray; we can help you, right?!”

The pale woman responded, “Luz, you can’t just trust two people even if they seem human!!!” as she eyed the two battle-worn humans, “But that is weird, though…”

The tiny creature runs up to the girl on all fours and sniffs at Anne’s ankle, “They smell like Luz except more like metal, electricized air, and ambivalence.”

“See, King says they are alright. We should trust them; they look like they need our help!!!” Luz rushed to Sasha, who was struggling to get up, then acted as a crutch for her.

“Um, thanks.” the blonde teen smirked.

“No prob, girl!” Luz tried to shrug as she gave a warm smile.

The woman sighs in defeat and then agrees, “Fine, kid, we’ll take them in! It’s only two more humans, so it can’t be that bad?”

“Um, well-” Anne goes back into the bushes, then pulls on Joe’s and Domino 2’s reins, revealing an unconscious Marcy, a sleeping Frobo, and the battered and tired Amphibians. “-we also have the rest of our little rebel group.”, she completed. The conscious rebels give an awkward smile and wave as they wave at the three.

Eda looks irritated as she slaps her hand on her face, then she takes a calm breath, “I’m in too good of a mood for it to be ruined by more guests, thanks to that Selkigris. Maybe, I’ll order take-out for these guys, too. Alright, let’s get back home. Hopefully, nothing probably happened with Hooty and Lilith there.”

The group traveled down the path until they came to a large white house with a blue roof and an orange-stained glass window that looked like a demonic eye with a stone tower behind it. Anne looked amazed, “Wow, that’s some house! It also looks familiar and like it could talk.”, examined Anne.

“Ha, he can do more than that, but what is he doing indoors?” Eda noticed the door opened with a brown tube extending into the house. They tied Joe and Domino 2 to a post outside as the Amphibians dismounted from them. Yunan takes Marcy off the bird and carries the human on her back. Drum struggles a bit, trying to hold the more enormous and older toad. Hop Pop goes up to them, “Here, I’ll help you carry him.” he helps the toad lift the unconscious Grime.

The humans, Amphibians, and Eda enter the living room to see a fair-skinned woman with long dark navy hair in a ragged shirt with an empty battery symbol. She is nursing a wooden brown creature with a long serpent body and a simplistic owl face covered in bumps and bruises with bandages here and there.

“We’re home!” cries Eda as they enter the house, “What happened to you two?!”

“Oh, well, we need some fire bee honey, but Hooty was there to save me.”, the woman said while putting more ointment on the serpentine creature.

A high-pitched voice from the lengthy bird declares, “And I would do it again!!!”

The sound of Hooty causes the house guests to wince while Grime groans, nearly waking up.

“Is he okay?” asked Lilith.

Ann answered, “His arm and leg were broken during our battle, and he’s been knocked out for hours.”

“Oh, I know how to make a cast for that. I just need to use the kitchen-oh, right, I made a scrying potion for you, Eda! But that can wait!! Let’s get him to the kitchen to fix him up.” Lilith said as she, Hop Pop, and Drum moved Grime out of the living room.

Eda moves over to the pot of purple liquid, “Huh, Lily made a scrying potion, eh?”

The pool then shifts into an image of a greyish castle corridor with a green carpet and people dressed in grey bird masks with white shrouds.

“Sup.” One of them greets.

The other replied, “Sup.”

“Huh, seems like she has gotten better with potions, but I’ll have to ask why she wanted to spy on Belos’ castle?” questioned Eda; then she told the Amphibians, “Well, I’m sure that all of you are tired from your battle, so I can help with setting up the basem*nt for all of you to stay.” The group follows her down the hall groggily while Anne sets Sasha down on the couch and then falls onto the other as she looks up at the ceiling.

Luz looked at the other teen and then apologized, “Sorry, my name is Luz Noceda; I got too wrapped up in my own head sometimes, especially with the day we had.” she introduced herself as they walked down the path.

“Oh, it’s cool; I get that way sometimes.”, responds Anne.

“Oh, no way! I get this feeling that we have a lot in common.”

Anne answered, “ I don’t know, but I can already tell we are going to be besties. One thing I can say is that we are fighting against a king with an oppressive regime.”

“What!? No way, we’re dealing with our own emperor and his tyranny… or at least we were, but that Golden Guard of his caused us some trouble. Sorry, just been a day with a jerk that almost killed King and us, but we got the best of him.”, Luz exposited.

Anne asked, “Huh, can you tell us about the uh…”

“Boiling Isles.”, replied Luz.

“Yeah, Boiling Isles’ emperor!?” meekly repeated Anne.

Luz answered, “Well, Belos has this system and laws under the Coven System where witches and demons are forced to choose one or be punished by being turned into stone forever as punishment. Eda was going to be stoned, but I managed to save her after fighting him. But her curse got worse when she lost her magic, and her sister shared it. She’s not wanted anymore, so that’s a silver lining.”

Anne comments, “Yeesh, how could people follow this guy!?”

“I know, right!! What’s the emperor you fought like?” questioned Luz.

Anne asks, “Uh, Sasha, can you explain our situation?”

“Sorry, Anne, I’m just too tired right now to talk about all that. I’m sure you can do that.”, countered Sasha tiredly.

Anne nervously recalled, “Um, okay, well, he seemed friendly and funny like Santa Claus, but he revealed himself to be an interdimensional conqueror after the music box that sent me, Sasha, and Marcy to Amphibia was charged. After I got sent back to Earth. Sasha led a rebellion, and I joined after some time returning from Earth.”

Luz looks in amazement and remarks, “Wow, that’s a lot-wait; you said a music box that sent you to…”

“Amphibia.” Sasha finished.

“Yeah, Amphibia, can it take us back to Earth?” Luz queried.

Anne smirks and remarks, “Heh, um, sorry, but thanks to what I did to it. The box can’t be used due to the gems that gave it power being drained. Hey, how did you get here?”

“Oh, I came through a magic door, but Emperor Belos wanted it for some reason. So, I destroyed it before he could even use it.”, proclaims Luz.

Anne states, “Wow, now that sounds rough. Did you come here by accident?”

“Um, well, it was something like on purpose.” Luz looked downtrodden.

Anne apologizes, “Oh, sorry if it got personal.”

“It’s cool; with that music box, it gives me some hope. I was supposed to go to this summer camp, but I came to the Boiling Isles to become a witch! I even learned how to use magic, but it’s different from how others use it here.” Luz gives a slight grin of hope as Anne gives one.

Anne remarks, “That Eda seems like quite the character; is she like your mentor?”

“Oh, well, she was actually my teacher on becoming a Witch, but then she became something like family along with King.”, corrected Luz.

Anne declares warmly, “Huh, kinda like me with the Plantars, the frog family that took me in after being transported.”

“Wow, that does sound similar! Wonder what else we might have in common?” noticed Luz.

“How about helping us fight Andrias when the time comes, and we can help with Belos?” Anne gives a fist out.

“Of course, girl! I got your back!!” Luz’s fist bumps Anne’s, “Blow it up!”

“Ha, ha, ha-huh! Is that-” Anne looks at the pool to see the giant blue newt walking into the hall accompanied by robotic guards, “Andrias!!!”

“What!?” Sasha got up and confirmed the king in the castle.

“So, that’s Andrias…wow, he’s big! Wait, that’s-” added Luz as she saw a teen wearing a golden bird-like mask appear in a red flash, “the Golden Guard!”.

“What is your business here, demon!?” asked the young guard.

“I’m a king from another world and here to meet your leader. Is he available?” Andrias asked while giving a smug smile.

“Do you really think that the emperor would-”

“Silence, Golden Guard!” an angry yet calm voice mystically echoed through the hall, “Let him in; I wish to hear from this king.”

The wall turns into a giant reddish triangular emblem with wings open on the top and a sword in the middle through a winged circle. The guard moved out of the way as he bowed before the royal Amphibian. The newt enters the symbol and signals his robot guards to stay behind. He arrives in a room with a door grafted in the center of a white metal arc. Under the circular structure was a man wearing a white cloak with a brown cowl accented with gold, a long-horned mask, and glowing blue eyes through the hollow holes.

Luz looks in shock, “That’s the portal door! He’s fixing it!?!”

“Wait, Andrias’ saying something!” Anne said as the girls listened in on the two royals.

The king asks, “You must be Emperor…”


“Yes, Belos!! It’s a pleasure to meet you! My name is Andrias, king of Amphibia. I am here due to an unfortunate bout with rebel forces that would have destroyed my kingdom. They managed to violate one of the most treasured artifacts and accidentally transported it to your world. I am but a humble interdimensional explorer like my ancestors, but I have regrettably encountered three human girls from Earth who led a rebellion. I and my forces managed to ward them off, but the damage had already been done. Therefore, I ask that we form an alliance between our respective dominions so that I can get a way home and capture these rebel forces that are now here in your humble realm. Furthermore, I will give you what technology will be a boon to your world, and maybe you can also give us an understanding of your world’s resources, knowledge, and machinery. So, what do you think?”

“Well, that is an intriguing story. What can your technology do if I were to accept this alliance?”

“I have many forms of advanced technology made from millennia, where we have cutting-edge transportation, communication, and even a robotic army for self-defense, of course.”

“Hmmm, I accept your offer, King of Amphibia. I hope our two kingdoms will prosper in this new age.”

“Thank you, Emperor Belos! You will certainly not regret this decision; together, we can bring justice and prosperity to both Amphibia and uh…”

“The Boiling Isles.”

“The Boiling Isles! Yes! Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, when we can announce the news to your subjects. Peace out!” Andrias winks and gives the peace symbol with his tongue sticking out as he leaves the room. The bubbling liquid then settles down as the image fades into black.

Anne collapses on the couch and yells in frustration, “Aargh, now these two are going to be working together!?! We managed to hold our own and leave some damage, but now we have a bigger threat with these two combined! I can’t imagine what it will be like; can we actually do this?!”

Sasha moves beside her upset friend’s side, “Anne, we still survived even though our plan on stopping his invasion didn’t go as planned. We have superpowers now. And everyone we love is still alive with us. If we can damage Andrias’ plans like before, we can do it again!”

“No worries, amiga!!! With my magic and friends’ help, we’ll do all we can to stop Andrias and Belos!! Wait, did you say all of you have superpowers?”

Anne laughed, “Yeah, me, Sasha, and Marcy got powers from these gems in the music box. Did you say you could use magic?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s different from how witches and demons use theirs, but I have learned how to use it while also learning more about magic at Hexside. Well, I bet all of you are tired from your ordeal; want to find out where the basem*nt is so you can rest?”

“Yeah, I guess we should get some sleep.”, replied Anne as the three girls left the living room.

Back in the Emperor’s castle

Andrias leaves the room as Belos examines the portal door, then hears a childish voice, “Another playmate from another world! This king seems fun, but what’s not being unraveled!” A monochromatic jester with a black and white shadow and a crescent moon face zooms on the floor and casts himself like a shadow against a wall near the emperor.

“What do you want, Collector?” asks the masked royal.

“I was bored, then I noticed that friendly big guy come in where he was talking about his kingdom. I bet he loves playing all sorts of games!”

“Don’t be so trusting; he is obviously up to something, but if he is willing to help me while I help him, then who am I to deny such charity. Then eliminate him when he shows his true colors; I’ll keep playing his game. I can deal with him later and focus on the Day of Unity coming to fruition.”

“HAHAHAHAHA, oh, another game to play with a new friend and enemy that depends on the day. From what you say, let us see the takeaway.”

Andrias is walking down the hall as the crown’s eye opens, ‘This idea of staging this alliance seems to have convinced this Belos, but do you think you can trust him?

The king thinks back, ‘Of course not! We are here to conquer, but we must recover our wounds before that. There is also how we might be able to gain a bit more from them rather than trying to take over their empire. Even though there is something off about Belos, that will be no matter in the future. In time, we will gain more strength where nothing will get in our way. Is that not better with our current limits?’

You have a point, Andrias. Well done, this plan can compensate for our failed invasion of Earth. Let’s see how well this plays out!

Amphibians, Witches, & Demons - Kumaguma (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.