KerbNet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)

KerbNet is an orbital scanning and mapping system introduced in 1.2. When accessed from a KerbNet-capable part, a window will appear, displaying topographic, biome or resource maps for the area under the craft depending on the selected mode and the technical capabilities of the part. The information given in the lower half of the window will change dependent on the mode, and is for the area covered by the target reticule, which can be moved by clicking anywhere on the map. Below the information is the FOV slider, the waypoint naming box and the buttons "waypoint," which places a waypoint under the reticule, and "refresh," which performs another scan, updating the display with the craft's current location. Along the top are four additional buttons-(from left to right) the button to toggle between modes, a button to toggle the grid lines and reticule, the button to change auto-update frequency and the exit button.

KerbNet requires the scanning craft have a communication link to the Deep Space Network to function.



Terrain Mode is the most basic of the three modes, displaying a simple monochrome elevation map of the surface directly under the craft-lighter areas are at a higher elevation, darker areas are lower. While not particularly useful on its own, Terrain Mode can be used to assess flat landing sites for craft, pick out areas at a high elevation for potential ΔV savings on subsequent takeoffs from atmospheric planets (notably Eve), place waypoints for future reference and scan for anomalies without the clutter of Biome Mode. Biome Mode is significantly different from Terrain Mode in that it presents you with a false-colour map of the biomes under the craft. This provides information pertaining to which biomes you are passing over, greatly easing the task of conducting biome-specific science experiments by informing you which biome you are currently over and which others are nearby or will be under the craft soon (assuming they are covered by the FOV) and highlighting where one ends and another begins (which is not always obvious). Resource Mode (also known as Ore Mode) is a special function unique to the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner. It displays the relative resource (ore) concentrations in a fashion similar to that of Biome Mode except that each biome is instead shaded according to its ore concentration. By default, a higher ore concentration is signified by a darker shade of purple, though there are three other colour schemes available-(brighter green=more ore), (green=low, yellow=medium low, orange=medium high, red=high) and (blue=low, pink=medium low, purple=medium high, red=high). This mode is useful for telling where to maximise the efficiency of mining operations by landing them in places with the most ore, sometimes in conjunction with the Surface Scanning Module.

Anomaly Detection

An additional feature of most KerbNet modules is the ability to detect anomalies (marked as a "?" on the map). Features marked as 'anomalies' can be easter eggs, monoliths or even the Space Program's own DSN groundstations. The detection rate for these anomalies is dependent on the 'anomaly detection' stat for each module-for example, the Probodobodyne RoveMate will always immediately detect nearby anomalies while the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner cannot detect them at all.

List of KerbNet Modules

There are a total of twelve KerbNet-capable parts, including all ten unmanned command modules. All of these modules require a CommNet link to Kerbin in order to be able to use KerbNet. Each module has a set of capabilities determining which KerbNet modes it can access, and a minimum and maximum FOV that dictates how narrow or wide the scanner's view can be configured.

Image Part Radial size Cost
(KerbNet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (4))
Scanning Modes Min. FOV (°) Max. FOV (°) Anomaly Detection (%)

Probodobodyne Stayputnik Tiny 300 0.05 Terrain 25 45 0

Probodobodyne QBE Tiny 360 0.07 Terrain 13 72 18

Probodobodyne OKTO Tiny 450 0.1 Terrain 21 54 6

Probodobodyne OKTO2 Tiny 1 480 0.04 Biome, Terrain 13 72 18

Probodobodyne HECS Tiny 650 0.1 Terrain 17 63 12

Probodobodyne HECS2 Small 7 500 0.2 Biome, Terrain 9 81 24

CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub Tiny 5 200 0.08 Terrain 10 (45)[Note 1] 20 (135)[Note 1] 24

Probodobodyne RoveMate Small 800 0.15 Biome, Terrain 5 (160)[Note 2] 10 (179.5)[Note 2] 100

MK2 Drone Core Mk2 2 700 0.2 Biome, Terrain 10 (45)[Note 1] 20 (135)[Note 1] 48

RC-001S Remote Guidance Unit Small 2 250 0.1 Biome, Terrain 9 81 24

RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit Large 3 400 0.5 Biome, Terrain 5 90 30

MPO Probe Small 9 900 0.895 Biome, Terrain 3 84 35

MTM Stage Small 21 500 0.795 Biome, Terrain 20 55 5

Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2[Note 3] Large 4 000 3.5 Biome, Terrain 17 63 0

M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner Radial mounted, Tiny 1 000 0.1 Ore 5 (160)[Note 2] 90 (179.5)[Note 2] 0

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Min/Max FOV increases when in atmospheric or suborbital flight
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Min/Max FOV increases when landed or splashed down
  3. Requires a scientist

For the core and scanner which have enhanced field of view when landed or splashed down, "landed" means the vehicle must be in contact with the ground. Momentary loss of contact will limit the field of view to the unenhanced maximum. Such loss of contact happens quite often in medium- to high-speed rovers and is over quicker than the blink of an eye, but it affects the KerbNet field of view setting. Since the unenhanced maximum is less than the enhanced minimum, it looks like the field of view slider is just set to its minimum. On low-gravity Minmus, this has been seen many times with a massive 20-wheeled rover. (This may have been different in some versions prior to 1.8; there was a mention of flying low, but this is how it is now.)


  • KerbNet unlocks Munar secrets. Or just biomes.

KerbNet - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)


What is the hardest planet in KSP? ›

What is the hardest planet to land on?
  • Moho is the hardest to get to.
  • Tylo is the hardest to land on.
  • Eve is the hardest to return from.
Jan 29, 2024

Does NASA play KSP? ›

ride along on our adventure.” He (Doug Ellison) notes that many at NASA use KSP to experiment in ways that their more unforgiving real-world environment wouldn't allow them to do.

What does KerbNet do in KSP? ›

KerbNet is an orbital scanning and mapping system introduced in 1.2. When accessed from a KerbNet-capable part, a window will appear, displaying topographic, biome or resource maps for the area under the craft depending on the selected mode and the technical capabilities of the part.

How long is a day on Kerbin KSP? ›

A Kerbin day lasts 6 hours and during one orbit around Kerbol, Kerbin rotates about its axis over 426 times, thus a Kerbin year is about 426 days and 32 minutes long.

Is Kerbin bigger than Earth? ›

Kerbin has approximately one-tenth the radius of Earth and 1/113th the mass.

What is the easiest planet Kerbal? ›

Duna orbits Kerbol with an inclination nearly identical to that of Kerbin, making it one of the easiest planets to encounter.

What does Elon Musk think about Kerbal Space Program? ›

Elon Musk said his goal is to inspired people and next generation with space travelling right? KSP franchise fits that goal perfectly.

Is KSP a Mexican game? ›

Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is a space flight simulation video game developed by Mexican studio Squad for Linux, macOS, Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One.

Do satellites do anything in KSP? ›

But when you get further away from Kerbine you need communication satellites to be able to control probes when there is no Kerbal on board. This also is needed if you are on the dark side of a planet, when the planet blocks the direct communication with your space center. Science will only transmit so much.

Why is KSP blurry? ›

Restarting the game is required sometimes to make the changes stick. If that doesn't work, it might be a read-write issue. Make sure your KSP folder isn't set to read only in properties. Your graphics card also has a texture quality setting, make sure that's not on low as well.

Is KSP kid friendly? ›

This game is great for kids seven and up, not because it's violent or scary it's just pretty hard to play and isn't for kids who want to learn with their screen time. In this game you learn about physics, aerodynamics orbital mechanics, money managing, geography and much more!

Can you escape Kerbol in KSP? ›

With a powerful enough ship, it is possible to get to the point where the info tab will display the craft's situation as "escaping" the Sun (Kerbol). The end of the patched conics path plotted by the game can be reached, at which point the spacecraft begins drawing a course behind it.

Is KSP realistic? ›

KSP is an imperfect simulation of the real world. While many aspects of real life are simulated fairly well, KSP does ignore some aspects of reality for the sake of simplicity, gameplay and keeping PCs from melting. A non-exhaustive list of things KSP doesn't do accurately: Fuels.

What is the lifespan of a Kerbal? ›

In the game, the average life expectancy for kerbals is 300 years (aging is four times slower than in real life, even though time progresses the same).

How far apart are Mun and Kerbin? ›

I just finished calculating by hand the distance from Kerbin to the Mun using the parallax method and got 12071.0678119 km.

What is the hardest planet to get to? ›

Surprisingly, despite being much closer to Earth than Jupiter and Saturn, Mercury is actually more difficult to reach. According to some estimates, it would take less energy to get to the dwarf planet Pluto than it takes to get to Mercury.

What is the farthest planet in KSP? ›

Eeloo is a dwarf planet that was released in Template:Version as a Christmas gift to the KSP community. It is the seventh and farthest planet from Kerbol most of the time, though its orbit intersects Jool's, passing in front of it for a minority of its revolution period.

What is the largest planet in KSP? ›

Jool is the sixth planet from Kerbol. It is the largest planet in the Kerbol system, it has 5 moons: Laythe, Vall, Tylo, Bop, and Pol.

What is the most powerful engine in KSP? ›

Answer and Explanation: The most powerful rocket engine in the Kerbal Space Program is the Mainsail Fuel Engine. The RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine is considered as part of the most powerful-large diameter engines and is usually used in lifting large fuel tanks into orbit.


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